Re: Captain America 3
by mechevpao9
Member since June 2014
true! but now Cap is more famous because of MCU, not many are aware of that detail, except comic books readers.
I wonder if the face will be similar to Chris Evans
Re: Captain America 3
by bethnor1
Member since July 2008
i wonder what usatoday ranks as their best?
for me, i guess it's something like:
1. TWS
3. iron man
4. avengers
5. TFA
6. AoU
lol, i still don't get why everyone loves guardians so much. i bet 75% of it is the nostalgic sound track. history has proven recently that nostalgia buys an AWFUL lot (SWTFA, jurassic world, etc., etc.).
Re: Captain America 3
by BssM84
Member since February 2016
The Goldman article was excellent.
Your list looks pretty sound to me. For purely sentimental reasons I'd put TFA a bit higher but I don't know where. Although admittedly ranking anything artistic is largely subjective so it's a bit nebulous rather than a mathematical 1,2,3. I'm sure Jenny would agree.
"The movie came to life every time you were on the screen." Stan Lee to Chris Evans.
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Re: Captain America 3
by mechevpao9
Member since June 2014
My list is:
1. TWS
3. Iron Man
4. TFA
5. Avengers
6. AoU and Ant-Man
I liked Ant-Man more than I expected, probably the humor.
I didn't like Guardians at all other than the soundtrack and the animated characters like Groot and Rocket, the movie was flat for me and I hardly evb68er laughed, more like I was wishing it would be done sooner.
The Thor franchise is nice, I'm entertained by it but nothing too great, I think the 3rd one might be good.
Re: Captain America 3
by Karlacev
Member since January 2015
I agree with that list which means we all pretty much agree so far. Can I be the next person to also say I just didn't get the popularity of Guardians. It was not a bad film and you can't help but love Chris Pratt, he's wonderful. The film just didn't hit me as being as amazing as it's box office success would indicate.
Re: Captain America 3
by havocbucky
Member since January 2009
Can I be the next person to also say I just didn't get the popularity of Guardians. It was not a bad film and you can't help but love Chris Pratt, he's wonderful.
Can I be the next after you? Guardians definitely underwhelmed me. Chris Pratt definitely was one of the only likable parts of the movie for me.
Re: Captain America 3
by BssM84
Member since February 2016
Can I be the next after you? Guardians definitely underwhelmed me. Chris Pratt definitely was one of the only likable parts of the movie for me.
Same here. It was OK but no idea why is did SO well. Underwhelming it certainly was. Chris didn't even have a walk-on! Ridiculous.
"The movie came to life every time you were on the screen." Stan Lee to Chris Evans.
Re: Captain America 3
by nece52
Member since November 2009
This is a relief to me. It seemed to me, everyone loved Guardians and I did not. It was kinda cute and fluffy but didn't really pull me in. I was amazed it pulled in so much money and became such a pop culture thing.
Re: Captain America 3
by picap
Member since November 1999
Count me in as another who doesn't love it. It was OK but near the bottom of my MCU rankings.
I think it broke out big because it had been awhile since there was a fun space movie and the summer of 2014 while having some very good movies didn't have any good lighter family movies (many thought How To Train Your Dragon 2 was even too dark for children). Amazing Spider-Man 2 was meh and Transformers was more horrible than usual and after it opened only Ninja Turtles was any competition for two months. It also tapped into nostalgia with the soundtrack.
Re: Captain America 3
by BssM84
Member since February 2016
"The movie came to life every time you were on the screen." Stan Lee to Chris Evans.
Re: Captain America 3
by BssM84
Member since February 2016
I've never seen this before and I really enjoyed it so I thought I'd share.
Round about 15:00 onwards you'd almost get the impression that The Evans is quite perceptive. Silly, I know but I could swear both his brain cells are working and he sounds really intelligent!!!
My visitors have gone now so I'll try harder once I've had a few weeks' sleep.
"The movie came to life every time you were on the screen." Stan Lee to Chris Evans.
Re: Captain America 3
by Karlacev
Member since January 2015
Silly, I know but I could swear both his brain cells are working and he sounds really intelligent!!!
Oh, oh!! He's back!!
Re: Captain America 3
by bethnor1
Member since July 2008
oldie but goody which i meant to link awhile ago. warnings: no mention of jenny slate.
though i think goldberg is being a little strenuous. it's actually pretty straightforward. nolan's batman films don't do much to honor the character (in fact, the opposite). and ledger's performance seems to have bought nolan a lifetime pass which at least some critics are voicing objection to (at last). the cap movies do. they're making a statue of him now, fer chrissakes.
Re: Captain America 3
by picap
Member since November 1999
Not from Cap 3 but Marvel unleashed their new fanfare logo at SDCC
Re: Captain America 3
by nece52
Member since November 2009
Thanks picap. I like it!
Re: Captain America 3
by bethnor1
Member since July 2008
here's to cap3, which is still the best comic book movie off 2016, by a long shot.
yes, i'm a terrible person.
Re: Captain America 3
by bethnor1
Member since July 2008
so i caught this at a second run theater in town.
the movie gets better every time i watch it.
interestingly, it's showing in two theaters in the complex, including one 3D, with at least 3-4 showings per theater.
by comparison, x-men and and ID4: resurgence were also playing. the former was only in one theater, and ID4: resurgence had fewer showings. seems CACW still bringing in more money than they are locally ;).
yes, i'm a jerk.
Re: Captain America 3
by nece52
Member since November 2009
I wanted to see it on the big screen one last time so I went to my local discount theater on a weeknight and the theater was nearly full. Still pretty popular. I am still slightly annoyed at the amount of screen time Iron Man got but a gallon of popcorn later I felt slightly better.
Re: Captain America 3
by zakopane90
Member since June 2011
That's deeply satisfying to know it's still pulling them in. I've been watching them all again on DVD recently and I do still think I prefered The Winter Soldier a wee bit more than Civil War. I'm not totally sure I can explain why but nece52's comment about Iron Man may well be a good chunk of the reason.
Re: Captain America 3
by BssM84
Member since February 2016
Seems they've put up a statue to him!! I wonder if Chris was asked to be a part of this or maybe they didn't want to make it too Marvelly.
"The movie came to life every time you were on the screen." Stan Lee to Chris Evans.
Re: Captain America 3
by nece52
Member since November 2009
I definitely prefer Winter Soldier to Civil War.
Yeah they should have had Chris there. No one has a jaw line like his.
Cool statue though. Heard not everyone is thrilled with it. I will put it in my back yard. Hubby might have issue, but..
Re: Captain America 3
by picap
Member since November 1999
Agent M (Ryan Penagos) covered it for Marvel with some tweets, retweets and photos from the event
Lorraine Cink @lorrainecinkOh, by the way the Brooklyn Borough President named it #CaptainAmericaDay in Brooklyn today at the #Cap75 ceremony today in Prospect Park!
Re: Captain America 3
by picap
Member since November 1999
Let's be clear: This summer was a huge bummer as far as most tent-pole movies were concerned. But never fear there were a few cinematic bright spots. USA TODAY's movie team anoints the good, the bad and the (very) ugly of the box-office offerings these past few sweltering months. (Plus, a few shoutouts to films we still think you should see.)KING OF SUMMER: Captain America
Sure, he may have been surpassed at the domestic box office by a fish. But Chris Evans star-spangled Avenger made a huge splash with Captain America: Civil War (No. 1 for the year to date worldwide), took on his buddy Iron Man (and kind of won) and introduced new friends Spider-Man and Black Panther. Oh, yeah, he finally kissed a girl, too. Way to go, Cap!
Re: Captain America 3
by bethnor1
Member since July 2008
yeah, pretty dismal summer. i was reviewing a lot of the imdb scores, and 1c84surprisingly, CACW actually scores higher than avengers or GotG. though the margin seems to have narrowed.
i saw BvS on a transpacific flight. wow. not even close.
Re: Captain America 3
by BssM84
Member since February 2016
Yes, I go to the pictures quite a lot and haven't seen anything to top CACW yet. Has anyone seen Suicide Squad? I've not bothered with it so far. Should I?
I enjoyed the Bourne film. It was just lacking a little walk on part for Chris.
i saw BvS on a transpacific flight. wow. not even close.
I'm impressed!
"The movie came to life every time you were on the screen." Stan Lee to Chris Evans.
Re: Captain America 3
by mechevpao9
Member since June 2014
Bump and also It will be on Netflix for Xmas
Re: Captain America 3
by picap
Member since November 1999
Captain America: Civil War Blu-ray 11 things we learned from the home release
Re: Captain America 3
by picap
Member since November 1999
Part of the blooper reel online
Re: Captain America 3
by bethnor1
Member since July 2008
i don't like piling on RDJ, but man, but i have to admit seeing the cut scenes with sharon and natasha makes me grind my teeth a bit. the scene with nat really enhances the sense of family, and though i'm not a huge fan of staron (actually, i would have been fine with it, all that had to do was make her not-related-to-peggy), but in that extra bit, i think chris really conveys a sense of loneliness, that he's looking for a bit of something outside of the avengers. alas.
Re: Captain America 3
by nece52
Member since November 2009
I agree with you 100%. Those scenes were needed. Both conveyed so much. I am sad they cut them. Of course, I am still a sad, bitter old woman that they Tony shared Cap's movie.
Re: Captain America 3
by picap
Member since November 1999
I don't think RDJ being in the film had to do with any of the cuts. They could have easily cut down one of the Wanda/Vision scenes or one of those two too many flashbacks with Bucky and the Winter Soldier program if it was a matter of time (and I think they should have). My guess is most of the cuts were for pacing or story issues.
I loved the scene with Nat but I wonder if they cut it because they might have wanted to backtrack on what she found out in Russia about her parents and leave it for her potential solo. I also really liked the small conversation with Sam about retiring because of the Accords should have left in as well but they cut the entire wake scene which looks to have had more Sharon so it looks like that was a casualty.
Chris said in an interview that Sharon is kind of his bridge to Peggy and Peggy meant home and he just lost her and I think that's the way he plays it in the scene which is very moving but not at all the basis for any kind of real romance that isn't icky. That might be why it was cut.
The cut Steve/Sharon diner scene has some of the same conversation at the hotel so that was a re-shoot. That entire relationship subplot was a non starter and it's not because they didn't have time to try and build a romance because they had time for Vision/Wanda and their dinner.
Re: Captain America 3
by liza-53206
Member since August 2015
I don't think, that they reshooted and changed the SteveSharon scene in the bar because of the pacing, because it has basically almost the same length as the actual lobby scene in the movie, aside from the outfit bit. I suspect it's because all this flirting and smiling right after the funeral is gross and test audiences didn't like it. I'm glad that they have changed it. And they have no chemistry whatsoever, so SteveSharon isn't working anyway.
I just don't see, why they added it to the extras, because this scene contradicts the canon of the movie and can't be considered as such anyway. It should have been left on the cutting room floor forever.
Re: Captain America 3
by bethnor1
Member since July 2008
somebody upstream was asking about steve rogers hate on tumblr. i know it's a bit old, but it seems like a lot of that heat was coming from the tony half of "stony." in their eyes, steve didn't betray a friend, he betrayed his *lover*, and in their headcannon, he betrayed that particular "OTP."
still love the movie. i do think some of the tony scenes could have been cut. particularly the spider-man intro went on for too long. i understand spidey is marvel's most popular hero, but holland has plenty of time to be spidey, and chris is on a clock as cap.
i do have to say, i do get riled at the whole "there weren't enough s5b4takes," criticism. to me, the most apt comparisons for these movies are soap operas and the indiana jones and star wars movies. ppl weren't running around, lusting for han solo or chewie or R2D2 to bite it. comic books, like soaps, are stories that are designed to go forever, and death is as meaningless in comics as they are in soaps.
i similarly don't get the criticisms about zemo. yes, i get that for the movie to have played out the way it did, there had to be lots of coincidences. but all that is just for viewer benefit. all he wanted to do was to set tony and steve against each other. it wouldn't have been as much fun for the viewer had they yelled at each other over a table. and if the other avengers had been present, that would have been boring as hell, because almost assuredly they would have stopped tony from trying to kill bucky.
and really. spidey is a minor. these same people wanted cap to be serious about killing him. crikey.
Re: Captain America 3
by mechevpao9
Member since June 2014
Stucky Stony and Staron ships. ug!!
the Stony ships are mad at the Stucky and Staron stuff.
the Staron fans are mad that the relationship was never developed and insist Chris didn't try to act with Emily and it was horrible
the Stucky fans are mad because the writers didn't made them official couple, they insist that is not the fraternal love between 2 men no! it's a couple! ok?
so go to Tumblr and all I see is Stan's stuff tagged on Chris section or Stucky fanfiction.
OK.. rant off! The movie is good, I liked it! but I still think TWS was the best! nevertheless I'm glad that the CA franchise is one of the best superhero franchises and that Chris as Cap is so loved by the fans.
but to the shippers: can you all just move on and let it be as it is
Re: Captain America 3
by picap
Member since November 1999
People's Choice Nominees (Bssm was busy!)
Captain America: Civil War
Finding Dory
Suicide Squad
Kevin Hart
Robert Downey Jr.
Ryan Reynolds
Tom Hanks
Will Smith
Anna Kendrick
Jennifer Lawrence
Margot Robbie
Melissa McCarthy
Scarlett Johansson
Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice
Captain America: Civil War
Suicide Squad
X-Men: Apocalypse
Chris Evans
Liam Hemsworth
Robert Downey Jr.
Ryan Reynolds
Will Smith
Jennifer Lawrence
Margot Robbie
Scarlett Johansson
Shailene Woodley
Zoe Saldana
Re: Captain America 3
by picap
Member since November 1999
The link to vote
Re: Captain America 3
by kakatie_2
Member since March 2008
Have been voting!!
Re: Captain America 3
by picap
Member since November 1999
This year, weve revelled at The Revenant, delighted at Denis Villenueve, battled with Batman and Superman, gone ga-ga at Ghostbusters, rocked out with The Rock, marvelled at Marvel, and hunted for some wilderpeople. Theres been a raft of memorable movies this year and here, ranked by consensus of the Empire staff, are our favourites.Note: This list reflects films released in the UK between January and December 2016. Most films due to be released in December have already been screened for critics. We will revisit the list later in December to pick up any strays (such as Rogue One) that might wander into our crosshairs between now and then.
4. Captain America: Civil WarMarvels most ambitious outing to date set everyones favourite super-squad against each other and sent a few of them home to patch up their suits. The idea of pitching 673 (or thereabouts) superheroes against each other was a dizzying notion, but the brothers Russo pulled it off with aplomb, introducing a unanimously crowd-pleasing baby Spidey in the process. Worried about superhero fatigue? Those fears completely vanish by the time you reach the films airport battle opus.
Re: Captain America 3
by picap
Member since November 1999
Civil War relegated to The Action ghetto but with 3 noms
Critics' Choice Awards
BEST ACTION MOVIE [Hacksaw Ridge will win since it's not really an action movie]
Captain America: Civil War
Doctor Strange
Hacksaw Ridge
Jason Bourne
BEST ACTOR IN AN ACTION MOVIE [Garfield will win for Hacksaw Ridge since it's not really an action role or an action movie]
Benedict Cumberbatch Doctor Strange
Matt Damon Jason Bourne
Chris Evans Captain America: Civil War
Andrew Garfield Hacksaw Ridge
Ryan Reynolds Deadpool
BEST ACTRESS IN AN ACTION MOVIE [Really small pickings with most not even lead roles}
Gal Gadot Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Scarlett Johansson Captain America: Civil War
Margot Robbie Suicide Squad
Tilda Swinton Doctor Strange
Re: Captain America 3
by mechevpao9
Member since June 2014
I'm glad Chris was nominated once again, but it's same as with Bradley Cooper the last time
and It's interesting they nominate Scarlett, because her role was good, but it's the same length than Lizzy Olsen or Emily VanCamp
Re: Captain America 3
by angelblueqt
Member since September 2007
They nominated Scarlett because she;s Scarlett. And good for CE attention in these circles is still attention.
Trolls Need Not Apply
Re: Captain America 3
by picap
Member since November 1999
I think EVC's role was about 5 minutes - maybe less than Hawkeye's and much less than the other two. I'm surprised RDJ wasn't also nominated as lead - he had just a couple of minutes less than Chris and about 3 times more than Scarlett. Then they had more choice and were stricter about what's an actual "Lead" for the men vs the women and Disney is also campaigning for RDJ in supporting on their Awards page.
Lead actress in an action film is very slim pickings this year. It's a considerable snub that Jennifer Lawrence didn't get nominated for X-Men especially when the beautiful but wooden Gal Gadot did for what amounts to a cameo. Ouch. I think Tilda wins here.
Re: Captain America 3
by bethnor1
Member since July 2008
ugh, i didn't even notice that andrew garfield was there. i think he's a fine actor, but it's obvious that hacksaw is religious propaganda. they'll give it in both categories probably because it will get shut out of real awards. doesn't really matter, even if garfield wasn't there, they would have given it to cumberbatch by default because cumberbatch.
Re: Captain America 3
by bethnor1
Member since July 2008
just a reminder to vote. remember you can vote as often as you like. if you don't vote, you don't get to complain.
Re: Captain America 3
by mechevpao9
Member since June 2014
g1c84ood reminder!!/home/all/5/1
Re: Captain America 3
by bethnor1
Member since July 2008
with rogue one opening, i think it's now official: CACW has the biggest opening of 2016. not sure what kind of legs rogue one will have (i have a feeling sing is going to be big), but it has a good chance of being the top earner WW, as well.
Re: Captain America 3
by nece52
Member since November 2009
That makes me smile on a Monday. Happy to hear that CACW will most likely keep the title for 2016!!
Re: Captain America 3
by BssM84
Member since February 2016
That makes me smile on a Monday. Happy to hear that CACW will most likely keep the title for 2016!!
Me too, it deserves it anyway!
"The movie came to life every time you were on the screen." Stan Lee to Chris Evans.
Re: Captain America 3
by picap
Member since November 1999
The Christmas to New Year stretch gives long legs and there's lots of rooms for several movies to make money though studios shied away from opening several big films against Rogue. Sing should do well and Passengers might do well aside from the terrible reviews.
Rogue will probably finish over $500m domestic but I think CW will retain it's yearly WW crown.