The Wizarding Prince of Twilight - Chapter 18 - Marsflame18 - The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth (2024)

Chapter Text

Chapter 17

Year 440 of the First Age (A few moments after Prongs, Harry, and the Patronus' flew away from Nan-Elmoth)

Hope, Love, and Final Preparations

Nearly 20 years ago the realms of elves and men told tale of a shining stag that raced across Beleriand as though it were a beacon of light itself. Some who bore witness to the being said all evil was destroyed in its wake. Elves that basked in its light for even but a moment said that the sadness that lingered in their hearts had all but vanished. Some even said that this mystical being was a messenger of either Oromë or Mandos. Though with any tale, it soon faded and many believed not that such a being had existed. Even with the accounts of the falas elves saying the being had galloped across the sundering seas to the far west where the lands of the Valar dwelt.

Many disbelieved it.

Many chose to forget.

But contrary to many tales.

This one would have another telling.

For on this moonless and starry night. The being of light would appear again and this time.....

......he would not be alone.

(🎵)play first song

He soared.

Across the skies that covered the forests of Neldoreth Prongs galloped across the sky in the company of those he thought he would never see again. The paronus' that ran and flew by his side were one's he knew but had thought long gone. They were not like him, for that much was certain. They were not as old as him and could not speak like him but they were the same in that they had a mission to complete. They had lights to carry to the place across the sea. He had done this before but this time his master was with him! Right at his side was his master in his white form. They flew together and in their wake they left a glittering trail of blue and silver stardust. The march wardens of Neldoreth left completely in awe of what was galloping across the sky of the forests and of the being of pure white that was accompanying them.

The Wizarding Prince of Twilight - Chapter 18 - Marsflame18 - The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth (1)

The Wizarding Prince of Twilight - Chapter 18 - Marsflame18 - The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth (2)

As they flew further east and reached the skies that covered the forests of Brethil. The men of the House of Haleth were frozen in place when they gazed at what flew overhead. The orcs they were fighting now turned to dust when the radiance of those that flew over them touched the foul beings. Their light destroying all traces of evil and their very souls recalling all the good in their lives.

As Prongs and his master were reaching the eastern edges of the forests of Brethil Prongs led the herd down towards the ground while his master still flew above them. And as they touched ground while never stopping they turned south and were now speeding towards the edges of Nargathrond. The denizens and elves guarding the area standing in shock at what was coming through the trees. They had seen this figure before but this time it wasn't alone.

The Wizarding Prince of Twilight - Chapter 18 - Marsflame18 - The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth (3)

The did not get in its way as the being raced paced them with its company. The being of light flying above them. They had no doubt that this was the beings master or another like it.

Prongs and his company kept going. They had to get to the sea because Prongs knew his master was getting weaker. Prongs had a will of his own after all and could tell his master was filled with love while at the same time sadness from seeing the others. The doe at his side edging him to run faster so his master could feel better. Prongs liked the doe for he knew she was similar to him but also different. She was scared for master and could tell he needed to get back. So they sped up even more and turned east where the Havens of Sirion laid.

Maybe I'll see that old elf again. I hope he's feeling better.

With new haste Prongs, his master, the doe, and their company made it to edges of the Havens and it was there the denizens of Sirion were once again witness to a sight that left them uttering prayers. Many had seen the stag before but now they were in awe and some even cried at what they were seeing. For there before them they saw not just one but nearly a dozen of the ethereal beings. Many bearing the visages of animals known and not known to them. The power and light radiating from them was so overwhelming that many fell to their knees in tears.

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There were so many of them and each of them sparkling with a barrage of lights this time. Though they knew something was different this time for it was as though each of them represented something. They could feel it, they could all feel it. Deep in their fëa's they felt so many emotions, so many memories coming off them.










......and above all


Before their very eyes there was one being that was radiating so much unconditional love it warmed their fëa's like no other.

For before their eyes and was now heading for the peer along with the stag was the most beautiful doe they had ever seen.

A doe that was glittering like the starlit sky.

The Wizarding Prince of Twilight - Chapter 18 - Marsflame18 - The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth (5)

The beings now headed for the peer and standing there once again was the Lord of the Havens and the oldest elf in middle earth, Cirdan the Shipwright. His eyes became misted when the stag he had seen all those years ago stood before him once again. But this time he was not alone on the peer as standing next to him was a little blonde haired elfling that looked at the stag before her in utter joy.

For before her eyes was the stag that helped bring her parents together and to her he was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

The Wizarding Prince of Twilight - Chapter 18 - Marsflame18 - The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth (6)

Prongs approached them while the doe trotted beside him, the others waiting for his signal. Cirdan could only smile as he looked at the stag before him. But then, in a manner the same as before, Prongs suddenly leapt at him and nuzzled the old elf's face.

Once again Cirdan was bombarded with feelings of joy, love, and hope. But this time, for the first time since he awakened at Cuiviénen, he felt them.....

He felt Tata, he felt his long lost friends.

They were found.

They were going home.

They were back and telling him it would be alright now.

Cirdan could not help the tears that fell from his face as he was overwhelmed with a joy none could describe. The lights decorating this being and the other beings were his long lost friends and family who were now right before him. They were going home! They were saved! He could not help when he looked right at the stag and in another bout of surprise heard it speak right into his fëa.

You're better! Not sad anymore right?

He let out a heartfelt laugh as he cried and said "No, no you beautiful being. I'm not sad anymore. Thank you, thank you so much."

Prongs nuzzled his face again when he turned to the little girl standing next to him. Prongs had an idea who this child was but couldn't help but be enamored with how cute she was. He decided to make her more happy before he had to go and pranced around her and the old elf in a gallant fashion. She giggled while he did and as he finished the doe came up to the little girl and Cirdan. She gasped when she looked at the beautiful being before her but there was something else. She reached out her little hand towards the doe's nose and then....

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She felt love

Little Sailelde felt a mothers love.

She couldn't help what she said next.

" feel like nana"

"Tithen-pen what do you mean?" said the old elf but he would soon learn when the doe then turned and nuzzled its head into his side.

He let out a huge gasp at what he felt for this was so much different from the stag. Joy and love he felt indeed but deep in his very fëa he felt the unconditional love a mother had for her child. He felt the willingness of Lily Evans to sacrifice herself to protect her child. He felt what such a love could do and how darkness could never fight such a thing.

The strength of a mother's love was one he had not known but now was being covered with to the point he almost couldn't breathe.

It was so strong.

It was so pure that he knew no evil could touch this.

His hope for the future had now reached new heights.

He had to steady himself when the beautiful creature pulled away. Now both stag and doe staring right into his eyes, their retinue waiting for him to speak. But before he could the tree line suddenly lit up in a flurry of white and before them all was a flying white figure that was now soaring above the peer. All the elves of Sirion were now gaping at the majestic being flying above them all. The other animals now following the figure and heading for the sea. His and Sailelde's eyes went wide when the stag spoke again to him.

It's master! Sorry but we have to go now.

He could only nod and tell it "Go, go my friend. You know the way."

And Prongs did as himself and the doe took one final look at the duo before trotting past them and taking off towards the sea. The white figure following the large group of ethereal beings and shoot itself straight up when they touched the water. The being soared higher and higher until it reached the clouds..

..until it was gone.

The only proof that any of this was real was the famous siren's call (Ahhh Ahhhhh Ah) that could now be heard heading west.

(💛)play second song

They ran.

They were all running at an unfathomable speed across the twilight colored sundering seas. Their bodies glittering as the ran across the water.

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Prongs was at the lead with the doe right beside him. The others right behind them. They lit the seas and the sky with their silver and blue light. They could feel the lights they carried getting excited. The little lights knew what was happening and felt joy. Each of the summoned patronus' carrying their own type of person.

Prongs carried the souls of the fathers and those that wanted to protect.

The doe carried the souls of the mothers.

The rabbit carried the children.

The lion carried the brave warriors.

The swan carried the dancers, singers, and lovers of the sea.

The wolf and the hound carried the hunters.

The Phoenix carried the leaders and the lonely.

The fox carried the adventure seekers.

The otter carried the inventors and forgers.

The stallion carried the brave and devoted.

They were shining and as they did their light was unknowingly healing the pain of the souls they carried. Each patronus sharing the feelings, experiences, and joy of their former bearers memories. Lessons that would have once been difficult to teach the eldar were now being taught at an incomprehensible rate. But on top of all of that, they saw and felt the memories of the Master of Death. The souls of these lost eldar were coming to understand just what the young master had done to get them home. They saw a new dawn and realized that this young child found light even in the darkest of places. Found love, friendship, and even forgiveness when most would have found none. He reached out his hand when most would have just slapped it aside. He found friends and hope in those you would have never imagined. Things were not black and white and the lessons and feelings they felt on this night would change them forever.

As they galloped across the sea the elves of Tol Eressëa were left gaping when a whole herd of known and unknown beings passed the island. They left light and hope in their wake. From the towers it looked like the light of Telperion had returned.

It was then the patronus' sped up again as they were now coming upon the shores. Prongs could see the same shores that he once visited over a decade ago. But this time he noticed there was a city along their path. That was when he became aware of something.

Oh I feel sad people. Let's help!

Everyone this way!

With that command he led the herd towards the peer that edged the city. The Teleri were not given a moment to breathe when they were suddenly besieged by the same light they had seen a few decades ago. It was the same stag from before but this time he was not alone!

All stood in wide eyed shock when a barrage of different ethereal animals suddenly started running through their city. And as they did they felt all their sadness disappear! Some of the beings even jumped on them as they passed. The meager contact sending a cacophony of joy radiating through their fëa's. Their grudges and misery from the kinslaying seemingly going quiet.

They were learning to let go and look to the future. They were remembering the good times. Their heads were clearing from the anger that clouded it. One Teleri stall owner even got knocked down from what looked like a starlight rabbit jumping and landing on his head. He fell to the ground in endless giggles. Even the children were sporting wide eyed smiles at the glowing stallion that raced across the peer. Some children even started following the ethereal beings in an attempt to see where they were going.






All things that were once thought lost but were now steadily returning.

The Teleri could not help but gaze and wonder at these beings. Oh Elbereth there was even a swan among them!! It's wings, grace, and light ignited a hope in all their hearts.

How in Aman was this happening?

The Lord of Waters knew but he was too busy enjoying the sound of the sea elves finally laughing again.

They feel better now. Good!

This way everyone!

Come on!

They soon passed from the city of Alqualonde and turned west. There were more elves this time when they raced North West towards the Base of Ezellohar. Many got out of their way and some maia of Oromë were left gaping when they saw the flowing stag they had heard tell off. They even mounted their steeds and tried to catch up with them but they were no match for the speed of the glowing stag.

Prongs knew they were almost there, and just as he had done before he sped up again. Coming up in front of him were the Gates of Mandos. For a brief moment he glanced at the doe and she looked at him for but a moment with determination. Prongs advanced his stride, bore his antlers, and as the leader of the herd slammed right into the gates. The same as before he passed right through them along with his retinue.

The Maiar of Mandos were left frozen as they gazed upon a sight they had seen once before. It was that shining deer from last time! Oh no...and now he he had company!! Many muttered "Not again" under their breath and tried to stop them but once again they were too slow.

In a flash Prongs and his friends shone their light and he released a siren's call.


The lights covering his and his groups bodies flashed and he immediately bolted for the deeper parts of the Halls. They grey obsidian pillars soon turned black ad they ran along through the halls. When they reached the bridge he did not jump to the bottom like last time but rather climbed into the air and flew for another level. His friends soon followed and rather than head for the bottom of the Halls they were heading for Mandos' throne room. They were going to release the lights right where the Master of the Halls could take care of them.

Oh I also need to give him master's message.

Once in the halls the souls he carried naturally knew where to find the one that would keep them until they healed. Prongs was following that pull and as he ran through the halls, followed by Namo's maia. He soon reached his destination for there before him where silver lined double doors that were several feet tall. He didn't hesitate as he ran straight for them, the lights on him flashing again. As he rammed the door wide open with his antlers he was met with an interesting sight.

There standing in front of him were not one but two figures.

One was dark, hooded, and was standing near an obsidian throne. He had an emotionless face, amber eyes, and an ageless appearance. Though he looked surprised at their entrance. His mouth now seeming to gape.

The other was one he recognized. She stood closer to the door and was in fact the crying lady he had seen before. Though as soon as her grey eyes and veiled visage landed on him she suddenly exclaimed.

"It's you!" said the Lady of Mercy in sudden cheer as she swiftly walked to him.

As she approached the shining stag, the Lord of Mandos could not help but truly take a look at the stag that had come to his halls more than a decade ago. A mere glimpse he had caught before but to see it now was certainly something different. Twas though this being was made of light itself and there was something radiated a power......he knew this power yet didn't. There was no question about one fact though. This stag was an incarnation of the being that had ended his Doom. His foresight could almost make out some strange symbol that followed this creature.

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He certainly wasn't expecting such magic to be coming off it and this time he wasn't alone. He'd never even seen some of these creatures before. That strange bird being an especial curiosity. But before he could think any further.

"You're back and you brought friends. Why have you come again sweet one?" said Nienna as she hovered her hands over the stag. The mere proximity to the light already filling her with happiness. Though she would soon have an answer as the stag and all of his group closed their eyes and started shining.

They were shining so bright the two Ainur actually had to close their eyes because they could not take it. Then there before the throne of Mandos and the Lady of Sorrow, the patronus' of Harry Potter and his friends released the souls they had been sent to ferry. The Maia of Mandos who had followed watched as the beings released what looked like over a hundred fireflies into the throne room. To most it would have seemed like that but the dwellers of Mandos knew what those lights were and they could not believe it. When the two Ainur finally cleared their vision and saw the lights they were left stunned. Nienna looking at them as though a mother was seeing her lost child again. Tears running down her face as she stretched out her hand towards them in longing.

"How? How can this be? I brought them here? Why? Please sweet one will you tell me how this came to be? Did your master do this?" said Nienna in true confusion but also sorrow at the realization of who these souls were. Though in truth she wasn't expecting what happened next, for the being before her actually spoke.

Master told us to bring them.

He told us to bring them home.

I have a message for that person from master.

Wait...miss you're still sad.

We'll help!

It was then that Prongs and his group turned towards the veiled Lady and pounced on her. In a blink she was suddenly covered in glowing patronus' that were now cuddling her. She could hear her brother nearly shout "What are you!"but she was preoccupied.

Because the moment they touched her she felt it. She felt the joys, memories, and happiness from the spirits that once represented these beings. In what could be considered a blink she saw joys from things she did and didn't understand. She saw children playing in a snowball fight, she saw children igniting fireworks and screaming in joy. She saw....were those brooms?? The children were riding brooms and cheering?? She heard the laughter of many people as a bad woman was being chased out of a castle. What is that?? Is that a walking stick?? She saw children playing with strange creatures she had never seen before. She heard the laughter of a young boy when a...a fireplace blew up?? Well that was certainly different. She even felt the excitement garnered from breaking rules! Then the images shifted and she saw the joys of the Master who had summoned all these spiritual embodiments. She felt their joy and relief from finding family, from hugging their family for the first time. She saw the mischief he had caused their relatives. She saw....he blew up a fireplace too?? She even saw him turn an elf blue?...

But she couldn't contemplate as the feelings and memories kept coming. She heard laughter, children's laughter, and it filled her spirit with an elation she had not felt since she was born. All this passed through her mind in what could be considered a blink. It was then something happened. Something that had not happened since before the Ainulindalë.

Nienna, the Lady Of Sorrow and Mercy laughed.

Namo froze.

The Maiar froze.

Vairë in her halls froze.

For the first time since before Eä was even created the Lady of Mercy was laughing. As the glowing rabbit and otter cuddled into her neck, she laughed even harder. She was releasing fitted giggles that echoed throughout all of Mandos' halls. It was a sound unlike any other. It sounded like wind chimes tinkling from a gentle breeze. The stag, doe, and all others were now nuzzling her cheeks and leaning into her sides in what looked like they were trying to tickle her. The happiness of one who should have only known sorrow sent out a shock wave of power that lifted the gloominess and sadness from all of Mandos. The just released souls heard the sound and couldn't help but clamor around her as she tried to catch her breath. The ethereal beings never truly leaving her side as she tried to pull herself together. A rare smile was gracing her face as she pulled her veil back and pulled the little otter and rabbit closer to her. She could feel intelligence and inquisitive innocence coming from these two especially. The horse which no doubt felt like a free spirit was resting its head on her shoulder.

It was then the Lord of the Halls approached his sister in what clearly looked like confusion but also something else gracing his face. The throne room soon becoming even less empty when four ghostly figures came rushing in, following the sound of the commotion and laughter. Three of those ghostly fëa gasping in shock upon seeing a familiar figure. Though they would not have a chance to dwell as the Lord of Mandos finally spoke with confusion.

"Sister, how is this possible?"said Namo as he silently checked over his sister who was still being swarmed by the supposed spiritual beings. He'd never seen anything like this. He could tell they were souls but also not.

"I know not but this sweet one said there was a message. Perhaps thou should hear what it says" said Nienna in a curious tone as she held the otter closer to her.

"Message? What message? Why have these souls been brought to my halls?"said Namo in what sounded like frustrated confusion as to why someone was barging into his halls again. Not that the first ended badly per say.

It was then the stag stepped toward Namo and in a blink where once was a stag was now a floating blue ball. It looked like a form of glowing energy that was giving off little whisps of mist. The ball then started floating towards Namo as though asking him to touch it. He moved to do so without hesitation.

But what happened next he could have never foreseen.

(😢) play third song

The moment the Lord of Mandos made contact with the patornus of Harry Potter now Maeglin Lómion.

He was overcome with a sadness he would never forget.

Not him or any of the Valar.



For in that instant...




Namo felt the pain of the souls they had foresaken...




Through the bond all the Valar shared, 13 of the 14 Aratar were suddenly besieged with the pain they had unwittingly wrought on the children they had promised to protect....



Deep within the depths of their ëalar they felt it....

They felt the fear of the first elves and those that followed.

They saw what their once kin Melkor had done.

They heard the children's begging and pleading for help only to be met with silence.

They felt the children's perpetual terror.

They saw the childrens anguish at being abandoned by those that were supposed to help them.

They felt their hopelessness at being so wronged for something naught truly their fault.

They saw their desperation in wanting peace.


....Then they felt....


.....and they saw


....they saw who had come to help them and at who's behest.





They felt the pain of the Master of Death....


......they felt the young child's anguish at the wrong committed unto these souls...



....and the pain from what saving them required...



That was when they knew..........oh that was when they finally knew....that they had done an unimaginable wrong....and they all weeped...




On the peek of Taniquetil Manwë and Varda collapsed and let out cries of lamentful anguish. One's of which the heavens and winds had never known.

In the Gardens of Yavanna the two sisters of nature weeped and from their tears came the yellowing of the trees and the birth of weeping willows.

In the forests of Oromë, the great hunter and the warrior Tulkas were frozen in place as the hunter clutched his chest in pain at what he just saw. The warrior letting a single tear fall from his face.

In the gardens of Lórien, the Lord of Dreams Irmo and the Healer Estë screamed in agony at what they had just felt. For they had come to realize that they had gone against their oath to heal. Their negligence causing an unimaginable pain they could not have even begun to fathom.

In the Halls of Aulë the smith suddenly dropped his hammer as tears began falling into his beard. The pain of such knowledge adding to the realization of his own faults and list of regrets.

In the Halls of Vairë the seamstress stood from where she sat at her loom and sucked in a breath as she recalled making a certain tapestry that ripped her heart to tatters. This latest news adding to her already breaking heart.

In the planes of Ilmarin the dancer Nessa ceased her dance as sorrow flooded her heart. In that hour she no longer danced of joy but rather a Le Cygne of lament and remorse.

Deep in the depths of Ekkaia the Lord of Waters Ulmo felt not but agony at the pain that surged through his bond with the other Aratar. The waters churned and violently shook from the knowledge of the children's pain. The children that he was tasked and had promised to protect. He failed them ....he failed them....and the one to save them was not but a child that was now in pain as well...his ëala could not help but weep.

In the Halls of the Dead the Lord of Mandos could not help the sharp gasp and tears that now fell from his amber eyes. His fána was violently shaking from the tsunami that just surged through his very being. He could not discern what this all meant. He was the indomitable Judge of the Dead. His judgments were meant to be unbiased and fair. So could this have gone so wrong. He believed he was not meant to shed tears nor be moved to remorse and could their judgment have caused such contrast to their true purpose.

For whatever reason his sister seemed to have been spared from the nightmare that besieged him and all his kin. The glowing beings sticking to her seeming to be the cause. He could feel her ëala trying to reach for his now turbulent one but she would not get the chance. For when he pulled his hand away from the glowing ball of light a voice came. It was a voice he knew not the owner but could discern their possible identity. In that hour the Lord of Mandos, the Lady of Mercy, and all the Valar knew that this was the voice of the one that had brought these souls. This was the voice of the one that had changed the music.

And in their voice was naught but rage and sorrowful fury .

See now the pain you have caused unto those you were deigned to protect. See now the MISERY that was wrought onto those as a result of thy own indifference and ignorance. Feel now the SUFFERING and MALIGNANT CRUELTY thou have wrought onto the children of Eru Ilúvatar.

Let me make one thing clear to all of you. You were all tasked with protecting NOT JUST those that followed you to Valinor but ALL the first born!






I know you are not a cruel being Lord of Mandos. I know you are not evil but indifference and ignorance breeds an evil that can be even more malicious than that born from willful intent.

My heart weeps at the cruelty done unto these fëa.

My soul breaks a thousand fold at the pain these fëa endured.

It is not right.

...they needed you..

Eru trusted you...

I know you are not cruel.... how could you do this...


Stop breaking my heart like this....

The second singing will not fix all this pain....

What matters in the present is no less important than what happens in the future.

Nay, the past and present are what shape the path for a brighter future.

Why else would I have brought these souls for the healing that Eru believed you all could give.

So mark my words.

This will NEVER happen again.

These souls that I trust thyself to shelter will NOT be doomed at never being given the chance for the peaceful life they always deserved.

Not them or ANYONE.

Nor will there EVER be any fëa or souls doomed to wonder this world as houseless spirits.

ALL the children of Ilúvatar will come to Mandos where they can heal or pass beyond the circles of the world as was intended from the beginning.




The instant those words were uttered the Lord of Mandos and all the Valar felt the music of Eä change once again. The music had heard the words of this order and obeyed.

Even Namo found he could not disobey this command or rather compassionate plea. It was like there was a connection keeping him from fighting this. Though in truth deep down he could not help but agree with all that was said. His own ëala feeling a first ever pain from the sorrow coating those words.

Even his sister had started shedding tears again, despite the beings holding onto her, the instant she heard the heartbreak that was so obviously radiating from the voice that had caused all this.

Thought it would seem they weren't done yet. For what was said next truly shocked them.

Heed me Lord of Mandos and all the Valar.

Should something like this ever occur again.

I will ensure you find yourself HOMELESS when I turn your halls to rubble.


Through thine power and thine authority do I send this message.

Mark me now w hen I say that I will never stand by and watch an innocent suffer like this again.

For I am the one who oversees the end of all life.

I am the end.

I am the beginning.

I am the Master of Death.

And the souls of the dead are mine to protect as well.

Now and for all eternity.

That was all the the residents of the hall heard when the voice suddenly ceased speaking. The shining ball of blue light disappearing and materializing back into the stag that they had all come to know. The four ghostly fëa standing at the entrance in absolute shock at what they just heard, especially an elleth and ner that recognized the voice. Their ghostly faces decorated with shock and near terror at what would happen next. Even the Lady of Mercy now looked nervous at the fury and power emitted from that message.

All the while the Lord of the Halls showing more emotion than he ever had since the Ainulindalë. If one looked closely you could see he bore a look that almost looked like....fear.

He had never even heard of such a being before but at the same time there was no evil to be sensed from them. If anything it was the opposite. It was like this being wasn't capable of doing anything evil period. Namo could not help what he quietly thought to himself as he tried to control the tears that now fell as result of the sadness that consumed him from this whole ordeal.

"...Is this what Atar meant.."

Though once again his thoughts would be interrupted when all in the throne room suddenly heard a strange sound. that growling?...

All turned to the source of the sound and were quite surprised to see it was coming from the stag. The innocent being was stomping it's glowing hoofs and petulantly growling at the Lord of the Halls. It almost looked like a child on the verge of throwing a tantrum.

Namo just stared at it in clear confusion. His sister also looking perplexed at what could have made it angry.

Though they were about to find out.

You! You made master cry!

You're a bad person!

Namo stared.

Nienna stared.

The maiar stared.

The other patronus' stared.

The four elven fëa stared with open jaws.





If anyone had seen what happened next, they would have never believed it.

There in front of the four elven souls, the maiar of Mandos, and the Lady of Mercy.

The glowing being of joy turned its back to Mandos and let out a snippy sounding "hmmph" before taking position to gallantlly prance out of the halls.

A resounding snort coming from one of the dark haired ner's who witnessed this ridiculous sight.

In a moment of clarity and at the realization this deer was the only present connection to the one that had done all this; the Lord of Mandos tried to stop it from leaving by grabbing it.

"Halt!"he near yelled but soon found that wouldn't work as Prongs gracefully dodged him by taking flight. Prongs swift maneuvering causing the Doomsman to trip and fall right to the ground.

A howl of laughter coming from one of the dark haired spirits that bore witness to this....unique event.

As Prongs started making his way out of the halls the other patronus' took their cue to disappear into whisps of light. But not before the otter gave one last nuzzle to Nienna's cheeks as she then proceeded to swiftly attempt to aid her brother.

Though in the midst of all this chaos and unbeknownst to the two Ainur, one of the patronus' was in fact still in the throne room as it gracefully trotted over to one of the ghostly fëa.

The doe patronus of Lily Evans stood with utter surety before the ghostly fëa of Eöl.

She looked right into his dark eyes as the other spirits swiftly realized that the emotion coming off this being was that of an unwavering mother but knew not how that could be.

The fëa of Aredhel Ar-Feiniel could not help but feel a deep kinship with it, for deep in her very being she knew that this creature loved her son without question.

Then to the shock of all something unexpected happened.

The doe spoke and from it came the voice of Lily Evans. The unyielding mother of Harry Potter and even now the parent of Maeglin Lómion.

"He still loves you"

The spirit of Eöl looked like it was about to choke, cry, and scream all at once.

" I've..." he said and was clearly refusing to believe such a thing after all he'd sinned. The doe shaking its head.

"You hurt him but will you do so again?"

"No! Never! But how can he....even......even....after all this time?" said the spirit of Eöl that was now trembling in deep regret though at the same time holding onto a small scrap of hope. The soul of Aredhel almost looking at him in pity as she reached for his ghostly hand.

The doe walked closer to him and looked as though she were speaking to the very foundations of his being.


Then in a flash, she was gone.

(💖💖)play fourth song

Contrary to her flashy exit, the patronus of Lily Evans did not in fact dissipate quite yet. She and her companion Prongs still had one more job to do. The doe had letters to deliver and Prongs being the ever sweet stag that he is, would not leave her side until the job was done. The moment she disappeared from the Halls of Mandos, she had in fact rematerialized herself right outside the halls where Prongs now stood waiting for her.

It was then they dashed away from the halls and headed east at an indescribable speed.

As the duo headed North east the doe could not help but feel the pain of the mother's she was heading towards. They felt like her but the difference was that they did not know how to heal themselves. They did not know that love survives no matter the hardship when still nurtured. She feared that if she didn't do something then they might not read the letters at all.

It seems one of my old lullabies is in order.

Harry's gift will certainly help.

As the doe made her decision she could see her destination coming up as she and Prongs dashed to the top of a hill that overlooked the glowing city of Tirion. The home of the Noldor of Valinor and now a place that radiated a sorrow they could both feel palpating the air. This was unacceptable and they would not let it be. They were beings of joy and gosh darn it they would spread it without question. With their resolve set the two patronus' sprinted for the city gates and to the surprised gazes of the guards on patrol. The guards stood in gobsmacked wonder and awe when in the blink of an eye Prongs stood before them in all his shining wonder.

The Wizarding Prince of Twilight - Chapter 18 - Marsflame18 - The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth (10)

They had heard tell of the being that had come to Valinor years ago but now it stood before them with no fear whatsoever. Actually if anything, the light coming off that stag was in fact making their fear and sorrow dissipate into a mere distant memory. Though what came out of the trees following the stag's entrance would be something they would remember till the second music and beyond. For there coming out of the tree line was a being that was no doubt the manifestation of love itself. It was a doe more beautiful than any other they had seen before. A river of light following her as she walked. It was like she was made of starlight from the highest heavens.

The Wizarding Prince of Twilight - Chapter 18 - Marsflame18 - The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth (11)

The guards seeing her instantly dropped their weapons for it felt a horrid sin to bear arms in its presence.

They did not try to stop the duo as they rushed past them and were now galloping through the mostly empty streets of the city. All gaped and dropped what they were holding when they saw what had just entered their city. Though not from fear, no never from fear. The last remaining Noldor that stayed behind in Valinor stood frozen from the warmth that struck their fëa's when the beings came near them. For just one moment, for even but a mere fragment of a moment it felt like the light of the two trees had returned. For just a second it felt like the sadness and bitterness that the kinslaying had brought their people was slowly fading. They felt hope. They felt love. They felt something they could not even describe. All wondered and called out "Eru" when they saw the two deer were in fact heading for the palace. The palace that had been a place of sadness since the sundering.

But maybe....just maybe that would soon change.

I feel them.

They are close.

And....they're so sad.

I must do something.

Prongs this way!

The duo that had unwittingly brought hope back into the hearts of the Valinorian Noldor bypassed the main gates of the palace and headed for the back gardens. Despite initial expectations, the gardens were in fact a small forest that housed a small lake. It was dark, very dark. The darkness almost matching the solemn silence that came from the hearts of the one's she was looking for. The doe knew Prongs could feel it too and that he did not like it one bit. She let out a small snort as she thought to herself.

Certainly a copy of Harry.

Can never let people suffer in silence.

As they both wondered through the trees she suddenly paused when she heard what sounded like quiet sobs. She stopped in her tracks as a river of light followed her.

The Wizarding Prince of Twilight - Chapter 18 - Marsflame18 - The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth (12)

She looked around and there to her left across the small lake was what looked like a silver haired elleth. She was crying, her tears falling into the lake as she was being held by what looked like a raven haired elleth. Behind them stood a silver haired ner and a golden haired ner that wore a crown. Then finally sitting next to the two elleth's that were holding onto each other was a crimson haired elleth that looked on the verge of tears as well.

Though their tears would cease when the doe and Prongs immediately jumped onto the lake and headed straight for them.

At their approach and the steady receding of the darkness surrounding them. The five elves looked up and let out a loud gasp at what was coming towards them. And oh Elbereth was it a sight they would remember till the worlds end. There standing before them was a light in the darkness. A small doe that banished all evil and lament with it's mere presence.

The Wizarding Prince of Twilight - Chapter 18 - Marsflame18 - The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth (13)

And right by her side was a stag they had all heard tell of. They were a indescribable duo, for in their presence was not but love and happiness that had once been long forgotten.

The Wizarding Prince of Twilight - Chapter 18 - Marsflame18 - The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth (14)

As they stared at the beings in reverence, the doe suddenly came up to Eärwen, Anairë, and Nerdanel who all sat at the edge of the lake. Then with the voice of Lily Evans she spoke in a tone that radiated naught but kindness and understanding.

I have a letter for you three ladies.

Anairë being the strong elleth that she is, pulled Eärwen closer to her as her bluish grey eyes stared at the clear embodiment of a mother before her with her mouth agape. A clear attempt to mutter a "what?" on the edge of her tongue.

I bring messages from those that you love and one who loves you but do not know. you do not know yet.

But first I believe you all need to hear something.

Prongs your assistance please.

The shining stag then answering with a jubilant.

Yes ma'am!

Then right before the five elves that had been left in Valinor the beings of joy began to sing.

And through their song came a new light and hope.

(💟)play fifth song

How does a moment last forever?
How can a story never die?
It is love we must hold onto
Never easy, but we try
Sometimes our happiness is captured
Somehow, our time and place stand still
Love lives on inside our hearts and always will

As the patronus of Lily Evans sang with all her heart, the memories and feelings of her short time with her baby boy filled the hearts of the elves before her. As the words were sung by the Patronus of Harry/Lómion, the happy but limited time he spent with his godfather Sirius Black engulfed the elves in a feeling they couldn't even describe. Though one truth was for certain, this love was short but not any less true.

Minutes turn to hours, days to years then gone
But when all else has been forgotten
Still our song lives on

What once was lost is not gone. It lives on inside of us and only if we let it. She shared with them the one but beautiful year she had with her baby while Prongs shared the two years Harry/Lómion had with Sirius. It was short but it was real. Tragedy never lessening the value.

Maybe some moments weren’t so perfect
Maybe some memories not so sweet

But we have to know some bad times
Or our lives are incomplete
Then when the shadows overtake us
Just when we feel all hope is gone
We’ll hear our song and know once more
Our love lives on

She was telling them that it's not wrong to still love them even if there are hard times. Even if there are fights that just means you cared and still do. She shared with them the estrangement she had with her sister Petunia. She showed them how they never made up but by the time Petunia died that was when she realized she had lost a sister in Godric's Hollow. She shared with them her fight against evil even if she had support from a meager few, but despite that she still conquered. The good and the bad are what make life precious. Overcoming them is what makes every moment we had worth all the more. She did not seek the hardships, they found her and her child but she still fought because she would do anything for her child. The same when Prongs shared how Sirius still tried to be with his godson despite the hardships and cruel accusations thrown his way.

How does a moment last forever?
How does our happiness endure?
Through the darkest of our troubles
Love is beauty, love is pure
Love pays no mind to desolation
It flows like a river through the soul

Protects, proceeds, and perseveres
And makes us whole

She shared with them her sacrifice and her death. She shared the hard times before that and even how she stayed with him through her protection. The five elves were crying now but she could not stop. She had to show them, she had to show them that their love is not wrong and that things are never black and white. Nothing is perfect and nothing lasts forever. Even if we only get a minute with those we love, it's still worth it. Don't lose hope because it's not over. The fight and the struggle to overcome is what shows your strength. True love for those you love is not something evil will ever conquer. Not even the insults and bitterness of others can stand against a mother's love.

Minutes turn to hours, days to years then gone
But when all else has been forgotten
Still our song lives on

He cannot see me anymore but I'm here. We cannot stand by our loved one's side in the obvious sense but we live on in their hearts. No matter how much time passes you can't stop loving the people you care for because for all their faults there is still hope, and you know they love you back. For if mother's don't defend their children who else will protect them. Her and Sirius would not bend because of what anyone else says.

How does a moment last forever
When our song lives on

She showed them that even after her death her love will live on because he remembers. That even though Sirius died protecting his godson his memory would not disappear. The one's they love did not forget them and don't want to lose them. For without the love of the mother's and family we cherish, what strength can we garner in our hardest times. This dark will pass but only if we find the strength. For a mother's love should NEVER be underestimated.

By the time the patronus of Lily Evans had sang the last verse the elves before here were all on the ground in tears.

The love and honesty permeating both hers and Prongs voices had reached their fëa's in a way none had ever done before.

Her song had released the pent up sadness they had kept inside themselves.

For someone had finally told them that it was okay to be angry but also okay to still love them despite the hardship.

The three elleth's were now hanging onto each other in deep desperation and were crying so hard it looked like they would faint. It was then she stepped up towards the three mothers and in a swift movement wrapped her body around all three of them. As the doe patrnous and unyielding mother of Harry Potter made contact with the elleths, their hearts were then flooded with every good memory they had ever known.

Nerdanel saw all the times she had with her baby boys and her husband. She remembered all the lullabies she sang to them. She even remembered Maitimo wanting to learn sculpting from her.

Eärwen saw all the times her babies giggled and even when they took their first steps. She even remembered the times little Findaráto and Aikanáro would cuddle with her in bed.

As for Anairë, she remembered all the late night walks she spent with her husband. She remembered the joy of all her children being born. She remembered all the times she played with her only daughter Irissë and the cuddles she gave her youngest Arakáno.

Once the doe pulled away from them, she took her chance to reach for the pouch her son had given her. She held up the pouch to Anairë in clear signal to take it. She looked up in confusion.

"What? Oh this is" said Anairë as she took the pouch.

Take them, they're letters for all of you.

There's even a present for you.

Anairë's blue grey eyes opened wide for a moment.

"A present? From who?"

If the doe could have facial expressions she would have had a cheeky wink. But she settled for reaching into the pouch and taking out a small gift box. It was wrapped in the colors of the House of Fingolfin. A beautiful blue box wrapped with a white bow. She then handed the box to Anairë and then proceeded to grab the letters and hand them to the others.

A gold letter for Eärwen

Three red letters for Nerdanel.

One blue white letter for Anairë.

There was even one for Tyelpe's mother!

The silver and gold haired elves peering over to see the contents.

Though before anyone could speak they heard Anairë gasp when she opened the gift. For inside was something she had never seen before. It looked like a locket but much bigger and with no chain. It was crafted with a beautiful blue and white coloring. It even had some gold mixed in that made it twinkle. She had never seen anything like it and there was some kind of thing sticking out of it. Anairë didn't know what to do next but it seems the stag did.

Right here! You turn this!

Then when you do read the letters!

Master said they'd make you happy.

She looked at the glowing stag in anticipation as she touched the turner and started twisting it. But when she did she was met with the most beautiful sound she had have ever heard.

(💖) play sixth song

Then in a hairsbreathe Nerdanel opened the first letter and when she saw who it was from she released a loud sob.

Hello Amme,

It's us, it's your Ambarussa, Pityafinwë and Telufinwë. Though here we go by Amrod and Amras now, but that's not really important. Amme..when Lómion told us to write to you there were so many things we wanted to say. Honestly, I don't think there's enough parchment to cover it. But if there's one thing we really want to tell you it's this.

We're so sorry.

We're sorry we left, sorry we hurt you, sorry for what happened.

If you don't consider us your sons anymore we'll understand but know you'll always be our mother. You'll always be the one that sang to us at night. The one who taught us how to cook, how to fend for ourselves, and even how to sculpt. Even though we were horrible at it.

We didn't leave you because we loved you any less. We thought we could protect Atar like you both protected us. But we failed and for that we're so sorry. Even if you hate us now, we still love you. If we could go back in time and change what happened we would. But please know we'll always love you. We're also sorry to all the Teleri we hurt.

If this war ends and by some miracle we can see you again. We'll do whatever it takes to make amends. But until then stay safe.

Love always,

Your Ambarussa.

Nerdanel choked back a sob but opened the next one.

Hello Amme,

It's me, it's your song bird. Though I don't know if you'll still call me that anymore. Honestly, I know I don't deserve it. When this little minx asked me for a letter I couldn't bring myself to say no.

I don't know if you'll truly ever see this, but please know.

I'm so sorry Amme.

I'm sorry to everyone. I'm sorry to the Teleri. I'm sorry to Aunt Eärwen. Yes, I always considered her family as well as Uncle Ara. The guilt of what happened, of our separation, of the last words we said to each other. It broke my heart so much I sing a lament near every night. I wish I could go back in time and change what happened but know I can't.

Please Amme, please know I did not leave you because I did not love you or was angry at you for something. I do not hate Uncle Nolofinwë in the least nor Uncle Ara. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I didn't stop Atar from burning the ships or for what happened in Alqualonde. I will mourn till the end of Eä for what happened that night. I thought I could protect him from himself. I knew something was wrong with him but knew not how to fix it. Then by the time everything happened, it was already too late.

If you no longer love me I will understand. I know I can hardly be forgiven for any of this.

Don't tell Lómion I said that though because he would say otherwise. Honestly, that crazy little goblin has driven Curvo mad more than once. He actually blew up my office if you can believe that. Him and Tyelpe have become absolute menaces, not in the bad sense of course. Though I wonder if I'll stay sane by the time a miracle happens where I can see you again.

Please know Amme, that no matter what else.

I love you.

Thank you for raising me, and for teaching me music. For being the mother that held me and comforted me when I cried. For being the one to defend me when others bullied me for not being a smith. Stay safe Amme.

With eternal love,

Your Makalaurë

PS: If by any chance you ever meet Lómion. I beg you, do not teach that little maniac how to sculpt. I shudder to imagine what he'll do with them. He's already doing something with boulders that may very well give me what the edain call gray hairs.

Nerdanel now had tears running down her face as the King of the Noldor Finarfin held her shoulder in comfort.

Though she couldn't help but start wondering who this Lómion was as she opened the next letter.

Dear Amme,

When Lómion asked me for a letter, I initially was not planning to write one. Never for not wanting to speak to you but because I believed I had no right whatsoever. There are no words to tell you how sorry I am for all the pain I've no doubt caused you. I don't deem a thousand apologies to be even near enough to mend the hole I've no doubt put in your heart.

I shamed you, I hurt you, and I let down everyone. I didn't think I deserved even a chance to talk to you, but well Lómion can be relentless in getting people to "suck it up" as he puts it. I may not have aided Atar in burning the ships in Losgar but I am guilty of not stopping the tragedy of Alqualonde. If the Teleri never forgive me, if they want to damn me, if they want to curse me till the end of days I will accept it.

But please amme.

Please know that if I could stop what happened that night I would. I didn't leave because I did not love you but because I thought I could protect Atar from himself. I failed him and I failed you. Even when you both raised me to be strong. I'm so sorry amme. I'm so sorry.

For the longest time I thought redemption impossible but it would seem a certain elfling had other plans. Eru above, it's like that child has an endless barage of tricks. I'll spare you some of the details of what that child has done. But if by chance you ever meet him please do not eat or drink anything he gives you. The little balrog decided to "heal" me by spiking my wine after stalking me for a month. It need not be said I have all my food taste tested now. He even ended our oath through means I won't tell you through a letter. Eru knows it would shock you. That little minx even managed to scare all my warriors to the point we slept in the woods for over a month.

If by chance or a miracle you do see this letter. Please know Amme that I love you more than words can speak. Please stay safe.

Love always,

Your Maitimo.

PS: Amme no matter what, please do not teach Lómion how to sculpt. Even if he gives you puppy eyes. I don't think my nerves can handle what he might do with them. Kano is already on stomach medicine from the very idea of what he'll do with boulders. I think I might get chronic headaches should he learn to make more elaborate creations.

Nerdanel choked out a laugh mixed with light tears upon reading the last part of the letter.

Now, she was really curious to see who this Lómion was.

She leaned her head on her brother-in-laws shoulder. Her boys had written to her and now she had an idea of how they were. Though she would suddenly pause and look at Finarfin in bafflement.

"....wait...ended the oath??" said Nerdanel as though someone just told her a pig could sing. Finarfin now sporting some very wide eyes as well. However, their thoughts would halted by the next letter.

Eärwen was next as she opened the gold letter and it was from none other than this elf called Lómion. She then read the letters aloud.

(💖) play sixth song again

Dear Grand Aunt Eärwen,

Woah, that feels different to say but in a good way! Anyway, greetings! I know we've never met but my name's Lómion and I'm your grand nephew! But I'll get to the details of that in a second.

Before I do though, I just want to tell you that I'm sorry you're hurting Grand Aunt. I can't say any words that can make the pain go away. I can't pretend to know what you're feeling, but I can tell you that I will keep your children safe! I'm not going to let anyone die! Even if it means I have to knock out your stubborn sons. Though don't tell Haru I said that. He doesn't really approve of me doing that, but it never hurts to have a backup....sometimes.

Anyway, I do have some good news for you and I hope it makes you happy even if a little.

So congratulations!

You're a grandmother again! Aikanáro or Aegnor as he's called here in Sindarin got married! He has a 10 yr old daughter now and her name is Sailelde! Oh aunt she's beautiful and so sweet. I actually have a picture of her and the family on the back of this letter. Now, don't panic when you see who the wife is or that the picture is moving. I promise it's supposed to do that because I enchanted it.

Now as for the mother her name is Andreth and she's the wisest of all the second born. Please don't worry about losing your son or your granddaughter to mortality or grief. I promise that won't happen, because I've got that covered. Just...I hope knowing this brings you some happiness. She really is wonderful aunt. Even if Andreth is mortal and does leave this world one day from age. Please know that he's happy and that even if he came across the sea there was some happiness found.

Sailelde really is a wonderful child. She's the first peredhel! I hope you'll love her once you see her face.

Well if I'm being honest I actually...oh don't tell anyone this....but well I care about you too. You're the first person I've ever called aunt adn was happy to say it. I hope it doesn't upset you because I'll stop if you don't like it.

But be safe Aunt Eärwen. I'll bring you more news when I get the chance.


Lómion grandchild of Elwë and Melian.

Eärwen, Finarfin, and her father Olwë sucked in a deep breath when they read that last sentence. The rest of their company widening their eyes as well.

But Eärwen wasted no time and immediately turned the letter to see the promised picture, and indeed it was there. The silver haired princess of the Teleri started crying when she saw the moving portrait of her son and her new grandchild. Olwë bending down to look at it as well.

It was a picture of the beach with all three of them walking along the waves. Her new found granddaughter running to her mother and father with laughter echoing the scene.

"She's beautiful, Ada, Ara she's beautiful. They're beautiful" said Eärwen as she could not take her eyes off the image. Finarfin also staring at the image with happy tears running down his face.

"Yes, yes my dear selde. Yes she is. Haha it would seem I am a great grandfather again. And a grand uncle, I can't believe Elwë had kids" said Olwë as a smile graced his face for the first time in centuries.

As the music box played its melody, Anairë took her chance to read her letter aloud as well.

Though she would find the contents to be heartwarming.....and surprising.

Dear Haruni Anairë,

First let me start off by saying it's nice to meet you! My name is Lómion Irission! I'm your daughter's son! I also go my Magelin Eölion if your curious.

I'm sorry if I start rambling but well there's just so much I wanted to tell you so here goes. Haru has told me so much about you. He told me how you met, how you stayed behind to help everyone, and how strong you are. I think you're amazing! You're actually the first person I've ever called Haruni. Between the two of us I know he misses you. Uncle Findekáno does too, and they're sorry for leaving you. If I ever get the chance to meet you I hope I can hug you. Please know that I'm gonna protect everyone. I promise I won't let anyone die. I'm using all I've got to keep them safe.

Don't tell anyone but I actually helped end my cousins oath and get rid of the Doom. I'll tell you the details of that later though. But in the meantime I hope you like the gift I made. It's called a music box and I made it just for you. Try opening it! There's a surprise inside and I think you'll like it.

Hmm what else should I say? I've never really done this before. Oh! I really like tarts. My favorite colors are red and yellow. I love flying and well I tend to be a bit dense when I do some things. I don't care what cousin Makalaurë says. He shouldn't have startled me when I was holding the floo powder. It's not my fault the office blew up. I got singed too you know. Besides you can't blame me for turning cousin Curufin blue. I warned him not to touch that quiver. But oh well he got over it. You know Haru and them have actually gotten closer you know! They've been coming over a lot more lately! Erestor even told me they've become a united front on something! Though to be fair I'm not sure what. But anyway I guess one thing I really want to tell you is that. Umm...Haruni Anairë....I may not have met you yet but well...

I love you.

Anairë paused in her reading and sobbed tears of pure joy. The stag and doe coming up to her and cuddling her head.

Before she continued reading the letter she opened the "music box" and indeed found something truly magical.

For inside the little miracle her grandson made were tiny dancing figures that looked to be made of gold.

Inside were the dancing figures of her husband, her son Findekáno, her daughter Irissë, and a small elfling. The small elfling no doubt being her grandson Lómion.

"He's perfect, he's beautiful, thank you my little one. I love you too. I love you so much. My little Lómion, my miracle" she cried with tears of happiness as Nerdanel moved to hold her. Patting her hair and hushing her as she cried for the first time with tears of joy. Prongs and the doe watching on in quiet delight as their time here was coming to a close.

Anairë then pulled away from her heart sister and looked to the letter again.

I wish you well Haruni. I hope these letters cheered everyone up a bit. Please tell Aunt Eärwen and everyone I'll send more letters through Prongs the next chance I get.

Love always,

Your grandson Lómion Irission, son of Eöl and Irissë, and grandchild of Elwë and Melian.

Anairë, Eärwen, and Olwë choked on their spit when they read that last part.

Finarfin and Nerdanel's jaws suddenly going wide.

But little did they know they were about to get wider. For when Anairë read the last part of the letter.

PS: Umm Haruni I'm not sure if this is relevant but just so Grand Aunt Eärwen and you don't get confused. Yes, my father Eöl was Elwë's son but it seems Thingol and Melian didn't treat him very well so he left home. Elwë doesn't actually know I exist nor do I want him to for that matter, at least for now. He's being kind of a jerk at the moment. I'm pretty sure if I went anywhere near him he'd actually lock me up for my maia powers. He's gone completely isolationist right now and even abandoned Nowë when he was under siege, so....yeah...I'm staying with my Fëanorian cousins for now because of that. Haru did ask me to live with him but the prince bit is a headache I don't want to deal with at the moment. So yes...that means you and Olwë are more related now than before.. you're in-laws. I think?....

Anairë blinked.

Eärwen blinked.

Nerdanel blinked.

Finarfin went pale.

And Olwë....well he looked like he'd just seen a fish grow legs.

The doe took that as her cue to tell them one final thing.

There's one more letter for Tyelpe's mother.

I'll leave it with you to deliver.

I'm afraid our time is up.

It was then the doe disappeared into wisps of light. Prongs would soon follow but not before he saw the silver haired elf scream in utter indignation.

"Elwë did WHAT?!"

(Back to the present)

"I am the bearer of the Deathy Hallows"

"I am the Master of Death"

Wow feels like I just said something from a cliffhanger. 🤔

As expected his answer to his cousin was certainly more than they were expecting. Though to be fair Curufin and Caranthir were still passed out on the floor. For about five minutes they all just stood there like statues trying to process what he just said. If it were modern times you could almost compare this to a timer waiting to ding or the download option on a computer waiting to finish.

Then again at least I knew how to use a bloody computer before I died.

I get seperating the wizarding world from the muggles, but not taking the initiative to at least learn how to use a printer is just sad😓.

No wonder Hermione got so much work done.

None of the wizards learned how to use a laptop until it was 2235?! Really?🙄

Well at the very least, they're taking this a lot better than I thought.

Finally it was his cousin that blinked and seemed to gather himself better than the others as he let out a soft sounding.


"To put it simply cousin all death is under my command. Whether that be souls, sending them to the afterlife, healing ghostly spirits, or knowing how the natural cycle itself works. There's a lot more to it of course but I won't overwhelm you tonight (Uh too late😅). And before you ask, no I am not some harbinger of death and destruction. Death is simply a parallel to life itslef. One cannot exist without the other. Where one ends another begins. You're not going to drop dead by simply touching me or being in my presence" he said in the tone of one used to such ludicrous expectations.

That statement seemed to snap them out of their stupor.

"Maeglin that's not what we're thinking at all. Why would you say that?" said Maedhros as though he thought such a statement ridiculous.

"Why? Uncle I'm not an idiot. Oh 'Master of Death?' Yes, that's such a kind title I'm sure nobody would be prejudiced against. There's a reason you're the first ones I've told" he said with a hint of sarcasm that he normally wouldn't have if he weren't so tired.

"We're the first? You mean Turgon never knew?" said his Uncle Fingon in confusion.

"Are you kidding me? I'm not mental. Of course I never told him any of this. He barely knows anything about me as it is. If he even got a hint of what my role is, I have no doubt he would have thought me some kind of evil spirit. Especially...ugh Idril. No offense, but I don't exactly fancy being burned at the stake. Hell I'm sure Pengelodh would have happily provided the kindle" he said in indignant sarcasm as he closed his eyes and started rubbing his temples from the headache he was now sporting.

Ohhh but his closed eyes prevented him from seeing the now horrified, seething, and bloodthirsty gazes of his entire family.

Before he broke something or lost his temper in front of the elfling, Fingolfin took the chance to pat his grandson's head while giving him a kiss to the top of his head. The affection somewhat calming downhis own fëa.

"Lómion, why do you sound so sure of that? And what's this about Pengelodh? Isn't he a scribe?" said Fingolfin in a hidden plea to the heavens that he misheard that statement.

"Haru, if the choice was between me and his city. Turgon would choose his city and his daughter. Even if he didn't want to kill me, I'm sure the rest of the city happily would. It's not like they ever saw me as an elf or a living being to begin with. Best case he'd throw me in a cell telling me it was for my own good. Well jokes on him because now I could just apparate out or blast the walls to pieces. For Pete's sake he threatened to throw me off the Caragdûr when we first met (🫣)! Forgive me if my expectations of him are rather low. As for Pengelodh, he hated me more than anyone else. He always looked at me like I was trash. You don't know how many times I've walked by Turgon's office and heard him ranting about how I was an embarrassment to the Noldor" he said and missed how his grandfather was suddenly sporting a twitch in his eye and clenched teeth that no doubt were now no doubt in need of a dentist. The others not looking any better. Celegorm now reaching dangerously close for his dagger while letting out what sounded like a quiet growl.

(I won't tell you how Fingon looked😬)

"But there's one thing I don't understand Pitya. I thought Mandos was the keeper of souls. That the Feanturi were the Masters of Spirits" said Maglor as he was attempting to reign in his temper and change the subject before he blew. His heart son just letting out a small snort.

"That is correct Uncle, but my power is older than theirs. They're the masters of spirits here but Namo is not the overseer of death itself. He's as his title says, he's the judge but death is a primordial existence that has been around since the beginning of life itself. His halls are also my domain. That's why Prongs can get in without his leave. If I wanted to, I could sneak in there and he'd probably never notice" he said in a tone as cool as a cucumber. Though this time he did catch the wide eyes and hiccup that came from his heart father.

"Sneak in?? So that part of why you could end his dooms?? And what are these hallo...?" said his Uncle Maedhros with a pale face at what he just heard.

"The Deathly Hallows. put it simply they are the symbols of my authority. That's all I can tell you for now I'm afraid, I'm sorry. But I'll say this. You've already worn one Uncle Maedhros. One of them is my cloak, and yes I do have the authority to overwrite Mandos's dooms if I deem them ridiculous to an extent. Well to be honest with you....I think I'm kind of his boss" he said and watched as his red headed uncle failed to suck in any air, let out a hysterical laugh, and then collapseto the floor in a heap. His remaining uncles, including Fingon, now looking like their minds just flew off to Mars. His cousin being the only one sane enought to reply.

"I'm sorry...his...his what?"

"His boss...well at least I think that's the case. I'm not really thinking I should test that theory. I'm sure he's already confused about a prancing deer invading his halls twice now" he said and smiled as though he were saying something funny. His cousin rapidly blinking in astounded silence.

"Look I'm sorry but I think that's all I can take right now. I think I need a nap.....wait you don't hate me now do you?"

His question being answered with a resounding


He twitched in surprise at how quick they answered that.

Woah, it sounds like they were shocked I even asked(They are you dummy🙄).

His Uncle Fingon taking that as his cue to engulf him in his arms and almost rock him. The act certainly not helping him stay awake.

"Hína for the love of Eru I am never going to hate you. Please hína, please believe that. By the love of all that is good I would sooner fling myself from a cliff" said his Uncle Fingon in complete seriousness. Though that only caused Harry/Lómion to flinch on account of some....information from the book.

"Umm I'd prefer if you didn't do that but thanks. Tyelpe you okay? I know I've kind of unloaded a lot on you right now" he said as he gazed at his older cousin who looked like he was about to join his three knocked out uncles.

"Remember when I said you're amazing. Yeah, well I'm saying that again and this time I think you might be a bit crazy. Though a good crazy...probably" said his cousin as he swiftly took a seat and tried to ground himself. Harry/Lómion silently evaluating if his cousin was about to go timber too.

"Well alright then. Haru I'm sorry but I'll take you back after I've had a nap. If I take you back now I'm almost sure we'll get splinched and I'd rather not lose an arm. I may be able to grow it back but that doesn't mean I enjoy the process. Regrowing the bones in my arm once was enough, thanks (Lockhart😅?)" he said and missed how his family's faces went even paler and his Haru now looking like he was about to faint too from that knowledge. A loud gulp being apparent before he let out a dumb sounding.


"Don't worry about it. It's never happened to me. I'm a good apparator and know when not to do it. Anyway good to know you all don't want to kill me now. Also, don't worry about wasting food on me I'll just take sugar water. Oh bugger I'm so tired. You guys are way more understanding. If it were Gondolin someone would have yelled at me by now" he said and as he started dozing off his uncle Celegorm approached him in the manner of a hunter that was seeing an opportunity. The silver haired elf then whispered in his ear.

"Maeglin...nephew...I don't suppose you remember where Gondolin is hmmm?" said his Uncle Celegorm with sad*stic anticipation coating his words. His remaining family members also leaning forward a bit to try and hear.

Though they would only be met with the sight of Harry/Lómion changing into a hummingbird and perching himself on Fingolfin's head.

A bell sounding "meeeepp" being the only indication that the elfling was now sound asleep.

Celegorm letting out a slightly frustrated "Damn it,"and then slight coo at the sound.

Though the twins taking this as their cue to finally cut in said.

"Well I guess we'll get the sugar water"

It took about two months for him to recover. Well alright that's not accurate. It took really a month but his family wouldn't let him out of their sight. He indeed lost a lot of weight following his week long retreat into grief stricken seclusion. Thus all of his relatives had taken to eating with him and making sure he had full meals along with plenty of water. The hummingbird thing only really worked for about a day before his Uncle Fingon told him to change back. By the end of that conversation and nap he did end up apparating his haru back to Barad Eithel. Though to be fair his haru did put up a massive fight about it. His grandfather finally caved only after Harry/Lómion told him that his territory would be in a panic if he didn't make it back ASAP. The travel time would just take too long no matter how you spun it. Any other day he would have suggested his broom but his exhaustion probably would have caused them to have a one way trip to the ground. Speaking of his brooms he'd finally gotten them back after Curufin finally woke up. It need not be said he left the remaining explanations to his other uncles.

For all his faults he knew it was NEVER wise to fly when tired, not even as an animagus.

His Uncle Fingon though decided to stay for a while, making the excuse of strengthening the bond between his house and the Fëanorians. Once he was better he offered to ride with him and then apparate home. He did infact notice when his uncle flinched at the mention of apparation. One debilitating facet of his personality, even before regaining his memories, was that he tended to talk too much when tired😏.

Who needs Veritaserum when you've got exhaustion.

That's how Ginny always got me to be honest with her whenever I was being a git.

Though to be fair she always knew when I was lying. Because I was just horrid at it to begin with (We know🤭).

They never talked about what was disucssed that day again. Seems they were respecting his need for space, but rather than dislike him it seems they got....a little too protective. His week long retreat caused the whole Gap to think he was fading. So as a result everyone decided to give themselves the unassigned task of watching over him like a mamma bird. Máriel had especially taken it upon herself to give him daily health checks. The look in her silver eyes promising dire consequences should he try to argue with her. So he did what any war veteran would do, he conceded defeat when he knew he wouldn't win. If anything he took it as a chance to get some relaxation in before things got hectic. Though to be fair it wasn't really much of a choice considering his family had forbidden him from working in any sense during his rest period.

Ohhhh they were not just saying that.

There was only one time where he walked down to the forge to see how things were going.

He wasn't going to work!🙄

Though that one time ended with him not even stepping foot in the place. For the moment he passed the corner to the entrance, he was met with the sight of Erestor calmly reading a book by the entrance. As though lying in wait for his prey to show up. Said prey being him! Because as soon as the dark eyed elf's gaze landed on him.....he was hailed with the most poison filled honey smile he had ever seen in both lives!😨 That look said one thing!

Ah the little rabbit has come to try and play.

Come now little rabbit.

I dare you👹

His face went totally white and needless to say he ran for it! He ran right up the stairs and never looked back. He'd never forget THAT look for the rest of his life. It felt like a hundred ice cubes were poured down his back. Never mind the horrible laughing that echoed through the halls during his escape.

If that's what Snape's fake smile looked like, than I'm glad I never saw it!

It didn't take long for Maglor to hear about the incident and come tease him about it in his bedroom. His two month respite did consist of quite a bit of family talks though. More than once he would sit on Maglor's lap as a rabbit and just speak via ósanwë about his life in Valinor. He had to admit he was curious. The Silmarillion was very vague about what the lifestyle there was actually like.

Turned out his Uncle Maglor had some very interesting perspectives that didn't seem surprising once you stopped to think about it. One such conversation taking place in Harry/Lómion's bedroom a little over a month into his recovery.

"It wasn't bad or violent, that's for certain. Before Morgoth was released we lived in peace, but as time passed I just started noticing....the awkwardness" said his Uncle Maglor as he petted his ebony back.

"Awkwardness?" he said via ósanwë.

"Things were always strained after Haru married Indis. But as time passed it seemed liked others wanted to get involved in the drama. The Vanyar especially considering they worshipped the Valar's every word without question. It was so irritating. Everyone just kept whispering things like 'marred' but of course never said anything directly to us considering we were all Princes. The real problem happened after Morgoth's release. Everyone was against it but of course Manwë did not listen. The handful of times I saw him though. It was like his very being made me feel cold and sick. But at the same time it's like his presence made everyone show their true selves in a way" said Maglor as a complicated frown formed on his face at the memory.

...It almost sounds like Morgoth was a walking horcrux, but that wouldn't make sense.

No it sounds more like he may have polluted himself to the point he became something close to a Dementor.

That hideous appearance would certainly make sense.😒

Hmmm maybe he has the ability to Imperio people without even really trying🤔. Or he can Confund them by just being around. That's not too far a stretch considering some Legillimens can hear thoughts without even trying. Queenie Goldstein being a perfect example. That could actually explain why people started getting volatile. Ron was never aggressive...well not really....till that accursed locket came into the picture.

But there's something else I'm curious about.

"Uncle, I get there was controversy with Great grandfather Finwë getting married again. But at any point did he actually explain to grand uncle Fëanor why he got married again? Or did he just never really bring it up?" he said via ósanwë as one of his bunny ears perked up. His Uncle momentarily pausing in his petting before sighing.

"Maeglin at times I wonder just how detailed your foresight is, or if I should accredit this question to your father name. But to answer your question, no I do not think haru Finwë ever explained his reasoning to Atar. Well not in the detail you're probably thinking of. It was a first time for all of us and we knew Haru wanted more children. Atar and your Haru actually got along fine until the silmarills were made. They may not have been very physically affectionate, but your haru was there when all of us were born. Nay, I think it was the courts that were more the problem" said his Uncle in a tone of sad yet nostalgic remembrance.

So class systems causing trouble again.

Big surprise🙄

Though a psycho Dark Lord and a broken fëa probably didn't help🤦.

"Let me guess they went on and on about the true heir to the throne. Always using Míriel's death as an excuse. That's real funny considering mothers died all the time from giving birth before and during the great journey. Never mind that it often happens with human mothers because of the defeciencies in health care. A fact I'm sure they conveniently forgot or were trying to forget. Why people deny reality like this is beyond me. I know this'll sound harsh but I think grand uncle Fëanor was right to get out of that environment. Bugger the only issue was that there weren't many places to go. Was Finwë really the only family he had before getting married?" he said in the tone of one who had A LOT of experience in this field. His bunny eyes not noticing the very surprised look on his uncles face.

"Yes Pitya, Finwë was the only family he had at the time. We never knew who Haruni's family was or who she was related to. For all we knew she could be kin to the souls you saved. Though again I am not sure but think it wise that Atar left? Also, what was that word you just used? Was it a word for healing?" said Maglor in slight confusion but also deep curiosity as to how Harry/Lómion knew so much. Both his bunny ears quirking up when Maglor started rubbing them.

"Well yes it was smart he left such an environment. It's ridiculous such a topic even came up considering elves aren't supposed to die from old age. I'm not gonna say elves are immortal uncle, no matter what anyone says. A rock to the head, a sword to the gut, or even sadness can kill an elf. Death still comes to us but it's just a question of how. Besides, if Valinor was supposed to be 'safe'; why even bother asking such a question? No, I think they were just bored and the Valar not correcting them made it worse. No matter the race, people will always find something to talk about it. Though the direction that conversation goes is what's pertinent. Prejudice should be nipped before it spreads like a weed, and the best way is through objective education. Given the situation at the time, it would've been best for Grand uncle to stay away. Ugh great grandfather Finwë not explaining definitely didn't help. Though of course those idiots not letting anyone see Míriel was just...ugh. Anyway, as for what word I used. I said 'healthcare' and yes it does pertain to healing, but rather the field in general. The edain need more of it than us given they can get sick. However, we shouldn't be lax with it either considering injuries can get infected" he said and in that moment didn't sound like a young child at all. Rather an educated war veteran who deeply analyzed the situation. His uncle holding an unreadable expression while blinking several times.

"You live up to your name Maeglin, sharp-glance indeed. I don't think I've ever heard anyone say we're not truly immortal or give such a detailed analysis of things like you have. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but frankly I'm quite proud of how perceptive you are. Though tell me, if such is the case how would you address it?" said Maglor in a tone that radiated the pride of a parent but also curiosity stemming from an attempt to fish for some information. His uncle now lifting his rabbit form from his lap to his chest, and a slight purr escaping the little rabbit.

"Hmmm now that you mention it. I think I should start showing Máriel, Milya, and some of the other healers some healing techniques. Or maybe I should teach them how to brew some easy potions? Though I can't go overboard with that...hmmm. Oh I could definetly show them stitching and disinfecting techniques. I'll definetly have to make some antibiotics, but I'll have to transfigure some alternatives for the edain with penicillin allergies. Better to be safe than sorry in the event I'm ever not here.." he said as he started rambling in his head about some solutions. Though as Harry/Lómion unwittingly started talking about modern healing methods completely unheard of to his heart father. He did not notice that Maglor had squeezed him closer to his heart when the young elf had uttered that last sentence.

Maglor Fëanorian's face becoming more twitchy and pursed with the knowledge of how big Harry/Lómion's heart and extensive knowledge truly was.

Following the two months after his recovery his family had still forbidden him from working for another month. But at the very least he could now leave his room and visit the other territories, so long as he had a chaperone. Though honestly that was fine considering he took the additional time to lounge with the crossbreeds and compile a mental list for what needed to get done by the time the shield was fully up.

One nice thing about being an elf is that my memory is just brilliant!

Huh maybe I'm as smart as Hermione now(Uh No🤨🤭).

Magic is one thing but food and logistics are another.

I can't believe I never stopped to see what foods, wildlife, and medical practices actually exist in this world.

Once he stopped to actually look, Harry/Lómion could quickly tell that this world was akin or even behind to the level of technology in the middle ages. The medicine was poor but elves didn't really need it unless injured. Clean and sterile environments were not a thing. There were even some foods and wildlife missing from what he knew.

Though one thing I'll always thank Eru for is that there no Dementors in this world😮‍💨.

I never want to see those horrid abominations again.

All the work it took to find out how to destroy them was just wretched.

In truth it took an overpowered patronus cast by several wizards just to destroy a handful of dementors. They had to be full bodied patronuses though. A shield form just wasn't enough to destroy the horrid creatures. Why the ministry ever even thought to use those things as guards was just idiotic. That was one of Hermione's first acts as Minister of Magic, and what good it did was just spectacular. The day they were all destroyed was the day all wizards knew their souls were finally safe. His title as Master of Death also setting an ease in his heart at the knowledge of their destruction.

Blimey, by the time the wizarding war had hit its peak even the muggles could feel them🤦.

Funny enough that was the one magical creature Newt Scamander never argued about killing off. If a kind hearted person like him didn't veto against it, then that meant they really had to go. Still, even though they're gone that didn't mean that skulking abomination in Angband couldn't try to bring them back should he even get a wiff of their existence.

I'll definetly need to keep my mental shields up, if not avoid being near him again.

At least until he's thrown in the Void.

....I think I should avoid that git Curumo too if he shows up.

So it was on that note that aside from listing out what needed to be done, he started writing up plans. Said plans detailing food rationing distributions, blueprints for new farming equipment, and practices. The farming practices would be especially pertinent. The plans would detail the following:

  1. Crop Selective Breeding
  2. Crop Rotations
  3. The Iron Reaper
  4. Work hour schedules

The Reaper would be especially important considering it would get hours of work done in a third of the time. It was one of the greatest inventions made by Cyrus McCormick in 1830, and by Merlin Harry/Lómion was going to honor the man. Cersei knows they'll need it here for wheat harvesting once that scaley pig makes short his debut and burns all the fertile fields in Dorthonion.

Thank goodness my uncles and haru have managed to get half the population out now.

Though of course the House of Bëor still refuses to leave.

Well considering Barahir needs to save Finrod, I guess it's fine.

They'll survive and Beren can go meet his half angel girlfriend😏.

Though despite these plans there was one very concerning issue. It was so serious in fact that he would have to ask Erestor about it. But before he got to that, there was at least one piece of good news. Upon his searches through the archives, he found that middle earth was in fact teeming with dittany plants! It actually almost looked like Athelas but without the purple highlights. This was an absolutely brilliant revelation because the plant had been hard enough to grow back in the Wizarding world. The only reason Hermione was ever able to get any was because Neville had grown the stuff in his personal greenhouse.

Bless Neville Longbottom for his brave and kind heart.

I'm glad I finally thanked him for that gillyweed.

Bugger I'd have been screwed without it.

Never mind when poor Ron got splinched😣.

The fact that this plant grew all over the place and was never discovered for its healing properties was just tragic. Well he'd certainly change that now, considering the last ingredient to brew the famous "Essence of Dittany" was simply salt water. And where would they get that? Simple! The sea!

And who has access to the sea? Easy! Cirdan!

This could actually open up trade with the Havens and establish better connections. He'd definetly have to make another visit to the Falas at some point to discuss it with the old elf. Harry/Lómion quickly making note of it for when he showed the plans to Maedhros and his haru. If this turned out well than he'd easily be able to teach the healers how to brew the potion.

I'm sure Milya will love the fact that "Essence of Dittany" has no risk of exploding, burning, releasing toxic fumes, or making you grow a second head😇.

This'll be a perfect way to heal serious wounds if I'm not around.

He'd manage that once he finished making his gift for his Uncle Maedhros. A gift that had been seriously delayed given his temporary banishment from the forge.

Well whatever it'll get done, just as the shield will.

But returning to that serious issue mentioned earlier. Harry/Lómion had no idea where in the world were the staple foods in this world or other common foods for that matter?? Things like rice, oregano, bananas, or even potatoes??! Sure he'd seen rosemary growing around here but where were the others??

Sweet London potatoes were the whole reason anyone survived the Great Famine!

Never mind rice!

Just imagining no rice in this world makes me want to faint!

...Hold on I haven't actually seen any have I??😳

Needless to say, around the third week into his third month of recovery he finally asked Erestor about it during his lessons. If anyone could answer his question it was him.

And oh Sweet Cersei he did not like what he heard.

"Pardon? Lómion I'm afraid I don't understand" said his dark haired teacher in honest confusion.

"You know potatoes? They're round shaped, grow in the ground, preferably in warm climates, and can even stay good for a month if you keep them in a pantry. They're a vegetable and are easy to grow on the coast. They'd be perfect for the refugees. Plus they're very high in nutrients" he said in a desperate attempt to get an answer by providing details. Though his teacher almost looked apologetic for what he said next.

"Lómion I'm sorry but I've never heard of such a thing" said his teacher with a rare sympathetic look on his face.

Wait, no no that just can't be.

"Wait then what about rice? Or oregano? Rice looks like a fern plant but it has brown beads on it. They look very thin but can be harvested while oregano is a green leaf plant that looks star shaped. Please tell me you've heard of those" he said in now visible panic. But sadly he would not get a favorable answer.

"I've never heard of those foods either Lómion. As you know, the eldar don't require much in terms of food when compared to the edain. However, if there was such a plant I would have heard of it. I do work with Lord Caranthir on these things. Lómion where did you hear of these foods?" said Erestor as he approached his apparently distraught student.

This can't be?? This just can't??

What in the world has Yavanna been doing????!

Now it really makes sense how starvation was so common across the history of this world!

She never made any lasting foods with humans in mind!

Wait? But then how did Hobbits have potatoes??

Sam even talked about them in the book!

...Wait a minute😳...Did she only make them when they came about?? Were they a means to sustain the Hobbits high metabolism?

Did she make a special exception for her creations or something????(Kind of yes😅).



Erestor was clearly getting concerned now because he could hear Harry/Lómion muttering to himself. Things like "Are you kidding me??" or "What kind of joke is this??!" in rapid Sindarin and English. A habit of his when he got flustered.

He was only snapped out of it when Erestor gently grabbed his shoulders.

"I'm sorry Erestor. It's just.. they're foods that would be absolutely essential during a siege, a famine, or even in times of economical hardship. Bloody hell! They're essential even for the rich! Are you sure you never saw any of them? Even in Valinor? Did Yavanna never even make anything called a banana?? They're yellow fruit and are harvested from tall palm trees. The leaves could even be used as a fan when it's hot. They're perfect for growing on the coast. Cirdan could especially use them to feed people with health problems like dizziness from low iron or potassium defeciencies" he said and saw the fascination and confusion decorating his teachers face, no doubt from some of the words he used. Though there was a moment where Erestor looked incredulous from something he said.

"I've never heard of those either Lómion, but to be fair I've never met Lady Yavanna myself. She never allowed many into her gardens for fear of damage. You've officially got me curious now. Where did you hear these things? Your descriptions are too detailed for you to have just read about them" said his teacher as he looked Harry/Lómion in the eye.

Though sadly his teacher would not be getting an answer for the young elf was about to go on a rampage.

"Teacher, how exactly have we been storing food? Or how have the edain been traveling with rations?" he asked even though he had a sinking feeling he knew the answer. His teacher arching a brow up at him for dodging his question.

"We make dried meats child. We also have some fruits and vegetables that are grown in the fields. Thargelion being a primary location for growing crops due to the large fields down south. As for the edain..I believe they mostly store dried meats with them or hunt when it is needed. It is similar to what we do since there isn't a real way to store fresh meat for long periods. Well aside from this magical tent your cousin has trusted to tell me about" said his teacher as he was now patting his shoulder in an attempt to calm down the rattled elfling. His face graced with a small smile from the endearing title the elfling just called him.

So he knows about the tent.

Well it's fine.

I certainly trust him.

But this is completely unacceptable!

I can certainly solve it but....I may need permission...

Given I may be altering a small part of history.

But you never know...

Time Turner trauma was no bloody joke!

But before I go forward.

"Teacher I've got a quick question. If by chance those things were to suddenly become real. Would it cause problems? I'm sure we can just call it elven magic, yes?" he said with an innocent look and clearly saw his teacher flinch at that look. However, Harry/Lómion's gaze made it very clear he wasn't taking silence as an answer.

"..........I suppose. I'm sure we could make up something. Child..what are you planning?" said his teacher who was now reallygetting nervous (I wonder why👀). The nervousness only increasing when the elfling brightly smiled at him.

"Brilliant! Thanks Erestor! Sorry but I'll have to cut our lesson short today. Don't worry I should be back in an hour at most. As an apology I'll show you my tent when I get back and you can use the hot tub. Just let me know if you prefer rose, pine, mint, or lemon scented bath salts" he said to a very confused Erestor when he then proceeded to apparate right in front of his teacher.

His destination the Lily Patch, to ask a certain deity for permission to transfigure some seeds😇.

By the time Harry/Lómion returned back to the Gap of Maglor. He had now become the creator of potatoes and three different foods for the world of Eä.

All at the behest of none other than Eru Ilúvatar.

The Green Lady now left in utter bafflement and partial wonder at was now added to her piece of the music🤣.

It had been six months since his creation of the potatoes, rice, oregano, and bananas. Though to be fair he couldn't really grow the bananas until he handed the seeds to Cirdan. It really wasn't that hard to transfigure some dead seeds into the one's needed to grow the foods. It was actually surprising how excited Mr. Eru sounded when he asked for permission.

That pat on the head certainly made me think they liked the idea.

His family though...well they took it as well as could be expected.

After his abrupt exit from the classroom. Erestor had apparently run off to tell Maglor what happened. By the time his uncle was about to leave for the lily patch, he had already apparated back with the newly transfigured seeds in his hands. It took a LONGtime to explain to him what the seeds were or how to grow them.

Though I have to say Maglor did have the weirdest look on his face when I told him how I made them(Gee I wonder why🤦).

The conversation going something like this.

"Lómion how in Arda did you?? Did you ask Lady Yavanna for these?" said Maglor in trembling and fearful anticipation at the thought of dealing with a Vala.

"Uh No? Why would I? I just made them myself. Don't worry though, I doubt she'll get revenge or something (She wouldn't have😅) because I asked for permission" he said with utter joy and pride in himself. Of course not seeing Maglor now reaching for a blue vial containing his stomach medicine. Erestor watching on as his eyes started going wide.

"Pardon?? You made them?? What do you mean permission? Who?" said Maglor but he would not get the chance to finish as Harry/Lómion excitedly answered.

"Oh I asked Eru! And they said yes! They actually seemed to like the idea. So it should be good! This'll help when the battle starts...Uncle?? Teacher?!" he said with excitement but then fright when he saw Maglor go white and chug his whole medicine bottle in one gulp. Erestor than proceeding to gasp and faint into Maglor's arms.

Okay....that's new...

I didn't think I'd ever see him faint (Who's fault is that🤣?)

Well long story short, that was about how that went.

His Uncle Caranthir had just stared at him and shook his head when he heard about the whole thing. The red cheeked elf actually laughing a bit when he heard how he made the seeds. Though he did pat his head when he showed his dark haired uncle the business and farm plan he'd written up.

That conversation went something like this.

"So this is the farming plan we can use to grow the crops. If we plant different things at different intervals it'll allow the soil to retain its nutrients. We can even use the edain's help with this. Both the men and women can help with plowing the fields and distributing the grain. I could even teach them how to cook the potatoes and rice once they're grown. They're so easy to cook uncle. All you'd need is fire and water to boil them if times get tough. Oregano is also full of so many essential vitamins and nutrients. It would be perfect. Plus the plant only takes a whole month to grow. We can start planning the field layouts while I talk to Uncle Curvo about making the equipment. Once it's done I can just stuff it in my bag and bring it here. Not to mention the trade agreements we can make with Cirdan once we start giving him the seeds. The bananas would be a great trade commodity in exchange for the sea water" he said in the tone of businessman and experienced innovator.

His uncle just blinked at him a few times after he finished reading the whole plan. His hands going to cover his mouth in clear wonder.

"How? How did you come up with this? This is one of the best plans I've ever seen" said Caranthir with a smile on his face.

Though Harry/Lómion being the ever cyptic little sh*t that he is only said.

"I'll just say it came to me in a dream" he said and then proceeded to be crushed in a strong hug from his dark haired uncle.

" You know I have no doubt my father would have kidnapped you (Oh he wants to🤣)" said Caranthir when he pulled away and then proceeded to discuss the plan with his seconds.

Funny you say that....😅

Hmmm I wonder if it's genetic🤔

And that was about how that went.

A month of planning allowed them to get the fields and locations set up. It took another month for the potato, oregano, and rice to be planted.

It was ironic how little time it took to get the Reaper made. His Uncle Curufin and even his cousin Tyelpe showing nothing but excitement when Harry/Lómion showed them the plans.

Well....that may not be accurate.. Curufin may have had a more....exaggerated reaction.

Of course I can't really blame him given the....incident.

But to be fair I'll always say that was Tyelpe's fault for asking me to show him transfiguration🤦.

Ugh Huan...that bloody dog!

Was this how Ron felt about Crookshanks?

That conversation going something like this.

They were all sitting in Curufin's office when he showed them the blueprints for the Reaper design. The best part was that it could be made with iron. A metal that was easily traded with the dwarves.

Bugger, I bet the dwarves would love this!(They would😁).

As Curufin looked through the design, his eyes going wider with each turn of the page. Harry/Lómion had taken the liberty of sitting next to his cousin. His Uncle Celegorm overseeing the plans with his brother while Huan laid on the carpet.

"Lómion what did you call this? This design is something I've never seen before" said Curufin as he looked at the elfling in utter wonder. His son coming to look at the plans. A surprised and exicted face decorating the younger elf's features.

"It's called a Reaper, scary name aside, it'll cut down wheat harvests to a third of the usual work time. This'll make harvesting wheat and grains so much easier. Not to mention that machine for the rice is called a Threshing machine. You just turn the wheel and it'll process the rice off the plant a lot faster than doing it by hand. Though if that doesn't work we can always use sickles and knives to manually do it" he said in the tone of someone who'd seen this before. His cousin looking up in wonder at him.

"This is amazing!! And what's this about a new food?? What did you call it? Oh right..rite? How long is it good for?" said Tyelpe with excitement coating his voice.

"Haha it's called rice Tyelpe, and once harvested the grain is good for two years!" he said and laughed when he saw all their jaws drop. Celegorm screeching.

"Two years?!! Lómion are you serious?? Two years?! That's unheard of!" said his silver haired Uncle.

"It's true Uncle, this'll be an essential food once the dragon attacks. Like I said before, I can't save Dorthonion but I can bloody well make sure people don't starve! Elves and men" he said and saw his relatives give him an odd look.

"Lómion how do you know so much about edain? You.." said his Uncle Curufin but he was promptly silenced with a look from Celegorm.

"Well I mean it's not that odd. They're Eru's second children, plus they've been around for a while now. Why not help them? Plus this helps us as well. Besides didn't cousin Finrod help them find lands?....Did I say something wrong?" he said when a thought suddenly occured to him.

...Hold on...

Does Curufin hate humans or something?

Curufin just raised his eyebrows at that as he momentarily glanced at Celegorm.

"Yes...yes he did. But he certainly never went as far as helping them grow crops. Though to be fair it was very convenient he taught them to speak Sindarin. Honestly, Lómion I worry about how big your heart is. You and Tyelpe are practical brothers in that regard. However, other elves may not be as generous as you when it comes to them..." said Curufin as he looked like he was holding something back.

"By any chance are you referring to how the Sindar seem to dislike the edain, but you just don't want to say it so as not to hurt my feelings? I haven't forgotten that they ruthlessly killed dwarves before they learned they were actually sentient" he said and almost smirked when he saw Celegorm and Curufin choke on their spit. Tyelpe releasing a little snort at the site.

"You truly are perceptive aren't you. Sharp-glance indeed. Aye, Irissë was always quick witted too. I could never hide any injury from her. But to be honest with you Lómion it's true. Thingol only really helped the House of Bëor because it was Finrod that asked him. It certainly wouldn't have looked good for Thingol to reject his own nephew. I don't have an opinion on them honestly because well I've never really talked to them. Moryo has more experience with them than us, and as for Curvo.." said Celegorm in a tone of remembrance and neutrality. Before he then proceeded to look at Curufin.

"....I suppose I'm neutral as well....mostly. I just don't really know how to talk to them I suppose. Their ideals and ours are quite different. But then again the same could be said between elves and dwarves. I suppose I actually feel sorry for them given the circ*mstances of their arrival here in Beleriand" said Curufin in a professional and thoughtful tone. Though he did notice how the elfling had gone still in contemplation at his words.

Wait what?

So he doesn't hate humans..

He actually feels bad for them?..I mean that's totally fair given they were basically bait for that crazy dementor the moment they woke.

Thanks Valar🙄🤦

It was then something clicked in his head. Beren was their first real experience with a human.

....Oh bullocks🤦

Yeah, I can say how a random human demanding their cousin steal their family jewel for him would piss them off.

Certainly a horrible first introduction.

Never mind not even mentioning a word about....oh I don't know...

Giving it back!

Because yes that is theft!

"Maeglin?" said his cousin in an attempt to snap him out of his stupor. His uncles both looking at him in concern.

"Oh sorry I was just thinking. So you don't hate them?" he said in a last search for verification to his theories.

Celegorm and Curufin blinking at him while Tyelpe had a contemplative look.

"No Lómion we don't hate them. I don't know them to dislike them. Why do you ask?" said Curufin with sincerity but also narrowed eyes that showed his obvious curiosity at the question.

Harry/Lómion just looked away and slyly answered.

"Oh no reason, just curious (yeah right😅). Anyway I'll send you all some of the seeds later. You might be able to grow some patches around here since this area's greener" he said and purposely looked away when his uncles gave him a "I know what you're doing" look.

"Where did you even get these seeds again? Kano was rather twitchy about the whole thing when we asked" said Celegorm as a knowing smile decorated his face.

"Oh I made them! I just transfigured a bunch of dead seeds into the new ones" he said and just schooled his face when their jaws dropped.

"You made seeds??? What else can you transfigure??" said Tyelpe in utter wonder while Curufin just grabbed his head with both hands, muttered a bit, and started banging his head against the desk. Celegorm just laughing as his little brother did that.


Well.....I'm sure he'll have a headache later.

"I did not make seeds cousin. I just changed what was already there. As for how far I can go well let me just show you" he said and aimed his finger at a nearby vase with the intent to turn it into something.

Now before I continue, let me just go over the key features of spell casting.

Step #1

When casting a spell make sure you always aim for the intended target, otherwise some hapless fool may get zapped.

Step #2

Always stay focused when casting a spell, particularly transfiguration magic, because if you don't something may end up biting or maiming you.

Step #3

DoNOTperform any transfiguration magic unless you know you are in an environment where you won't be startled. Otherwise some innocent bystander could get turned into a squirrel, and will probably end up hating you for LIFE.

So what happened the moment our dear Mr. Potter aimed his spell at the vase? Of course, some hapless fool walked in and startled him so bad he misfired the spell when it ended up bouncing off a mirror.

Curious what happened to that poor elf?

Well the instructions say it all.

The poor fool got turned into aSquirrel.

The whole room went quiet and in utter shock both Curufin and the elf now squirrel let out a blood curdling scream😱.One you would have heard if Vincent Vangough's painting "The Scream" had been brought to life.

So that's the worst of it right? Someone got turned into a squirrel and that's it?


Oh no.

Not even close.

This is Harry/Lómion's luck we're talking about.

Now, let's not forget that a giant grey hound happened to be in the room when that happened.

Now do I need to ask what happens when a dog sees a squirrel?🫣 😅

The moment Huan's eyes landed on the elf turned squirrel he immediately released a loud "BARK!!!!BARK!!!!"

The vicious hound lunging at it with intent to "play."

Celegorm, Tyelpe, and himself now jumping onto the massive dog in a fruitless attempt to stop him.

Celegorm screaming "Huan down!!! Down!!! Down you crazy dog!!!"

Though the attempts were useless because the massive mut just dragged them with it like rag dolls. Curufin's office being wrecked in the attempt as the squirrel panicked, screamed, and ran all over the place. Huan eventually running over Curufin when the squirrel tried to run to his lord for safety.

The whole fiasco only ending when Harry/Lómion shot Huan and the squirrel with an "Immobulus." Which thank goodness gave him enough time to turn the poor squirrel back into an elf. Though the poor sod took one look at him and proceeded to scream bloody murder. The poor guy than fainting in a dead heap.

Celegorm now looking like a mess with his hair all over the place, just looked at him with a "Well that happened" look as he turned his head to his still floating and paralyzed hound.

Tyelpe just laughing on the floor from the whole experience "Maeglin you're the best cousin ever!"

As for Curufin....well he was passed out on the floor from where Huan tackled him.

Though by the time he woke up a loud "MAEEEEEGLIN!"was heard throughout the whole pass.


Long story short, by the time that day was up. They had all been grounded AGAIN! The poor elf who got turned into a squirrel actually happened to be one of Celegorm's hunters.


The poor sod gave up hunting after the traumatizing experience of him becoming prey. His Uncle Celegorm told him the poor guy could never think about hunting a squirrel again after that experience. His whole family were too stunned by the fact he could turn an elf into a squirrel to even think ofhow to lecture him. At least Fingon just collapsed laughing when he heard about it.

Though one thing's for sure now.. that elf is definetly scared of me🤦.

Uncle Celegorm even told me how he begged "Prince Lómion" for mercy after he woke up.

Ohhh Professor McGonagall would have skewered me for making such a mistake (Yes yes she would have🤭).

Well stunts aside, another year passed and it was time to continue with preparations.

A year had passed and he was flying towards the Havens of Sirion. There were nine years left until the Bragollach and today was going to be a busy day. The sun was just coming up and after his plan to meet Cirdan this morning, the next step was to meet Tyelpe at Himring. Why Himring? Because this would be the day he would finish the barrier for both territories and give his present to Maedhros.

I hope he likes it.

It took a lot of work, but I finally got the enchantments right.

Good thing Noldor like to have gems on hand.

I finally found just the right ruby thanks to Tyelpe.

The point of his visit today was to give Cirdan the banana and potato seeds. He even had some rice seeds with him in case there were some bogs around. Of course a list of detailed instructions along with some of the farming equipment were stored inside the expanding pouch he had tied to his leg.

Besides I kinda want to see how he's doing.

Of course the young wizards wish would be granted as he saw Cirdan's residence coming up....though it seems the old elf wasn't alone. He hid on the railing that was over the balcony.

Then he heard it.

"My Lord Doriath sent another messenger asking if we know anything about the maia that was sighted over Neldoreth" said an elf that was no doubt a vassal of the Havens.

Harry/Lómion sucked in a quiet breath.

Oh Bullocks so they did see me.

They think I'm a maia?

Well I guess it could be worse.

"Sigh..of course they did. Funny how they ask us for news when they tell us none of theirs. What do you make of this Gaerdor?" said what was obviously Cirdan in a tired voice.

"Frankly speaking my lord, they have no right to ask. Even if I did know I wouldn't tell them. They're obviously asking for one reason. They want to see if they can try and use the maia's power or determine if they're a threat. Though the second couldn't be further from the truth. No evil could produce such beauty and light. Their isolation has made them numb to empathy" said who Cirdan identified as Gaerdor in clear frustration.

"Hold not to anger my friend, but yes for the most part I agree with you. I suppose I need not ask that everyone is feigning ignorance. Sigh....honestly I know not why Melian let's her husband act like this. Nay, maybe he still does it despite her counsel. Either way, we will keep our silence. Regardless of the facts it seems Elwë refuses to believe that a patron of the House of Finwë may be responsible. He's so adamant to believe that no would help the 'Valar saken kinslayers' as he so put it. Sigh...he's changed so much. What else have you heard?" said Cirdan in a very tired voice.

I know haru and Cirdan told me not to judge, but I can't help but get angrier with everything I hear.

Is this why the others never said anything?

Though to be fair I never asked😓.

It's so different how people don't withhold information from me now when I ask.

"Apologies my lord, it's just none have truly forgiven their abandonment during the siege. The Laiquendi have completely foresaken any rule under Elwë or any king following Denethor's death. Of course should they apologize it would be forgiven, as you've taught us. But in other news it seems Doriath is still looking for the missing Prince Eöl. However, many have come to believe that he has died. Though in what manner none know" said Gaerdor. Though unknown to both elves, this information would send Harry/Lómion's mind into a whirlwind.

...He doesn't know.....😳

Elu Thingol doesn't know that his own son is dead?!

Are you kidding me???

How?? Is it the maia thing??? Does it affect bonds or something?? (Yes😓)


...Or was their bond so weak he couldn't even tell....

This....this is worse than I thought..


Damn it...I thought I was over this.

It was then a wave suddenly crashed against Cirdan's home. The sound almost signaling Cirdan to end the conversation.

"Thank you Gaerdor. Go get some rest now, we'll speak more on the morrow" said Cirdan as the elf proceeded to leave when Harry/Lómion heard a door close.

It was then he heard someone come out onto the balcony. Cirdan's silver brown eyes landing on his bird form sitting on the railing. A sad "chirp" coming out when the elf looked at him. The old elf extended his arm and Harry/Lómion didn't even think about it when he jumped onto the offered arm.

"Hello little one, I suppose you heard all that. I'm sorry child" said Cirdan as he started stroking his chest feathers in an attempt to soothe him. His bird form just leaning into the touch.

"Sigh...please don't be too upset little one. Though I have to say you made quite the show with that appearance you held when you flew over the docks. I've never seen anything like it. My Lord Ulmo was certainly surprised to see more of those beings. Though of course it was not unwelcome" said Cirdan as he walked over to the desk and let Harry/Lómion jump onto it. The older elf now patting his head.

Well seems Ulmo sees more than I thought.

Keep this up and I'll start really believing he's nice (He is😅).

"Fear not though little one. No one has or will say anything. By the Valar little Sailelde has never stopped talking about it to her parents. That stag even danced for her a bit before he left" said Cirdan as he chuckled at the memory.

Yup, Prongs you are definetly getting a treat.

"Ah I see you have something for me again today. However, before we get into that I have something to ask you little one. May chance would I be granted the honor of seeing your real face?" said the old elf as he looked him in the eye with a look that radiated nothing but kindness.

Well I was already planning on it so this works.

He let out a soft "chirp" as he untied the pouch from his leg and hopped towards the edge of the desk where he leaped to turn back into an elf.

Now standing before the old elf was a raven haired and dark eyed Maeglin Lómion.

"Um...hello?" he said in bashful shyness.

Cirdan just looked at him with an unreadable expression, his eyes rapidly blinking before the old elf proceeded to stand from his desk and walk over towards him. However, what Cirdan did next truly surprised him.

In a quick movement Cirdan had ensconed Harry/Lómion in a tight hug. The older elf now clearly letting some tears fall into his hair.

"I knew you were young but by Eru you're practically an elfling. How could you have been the one to send all those I had lost to where they could be healed. By the life of all that is good in the world you should have never had to know such sorrow. I'm sorry child, I'm so sorry. I failed to protect them and you ended up paying for it. I'm so sorry little one" said Cirdan as he shook from the sadness.

Oh heck no.

"No! This is not your fault! None of that was your fault! Don't be sorry for what that monster did. What matters is that they're okay now. Also, don't worry I've ensured it'll never happen again. Please Lord Cirdan don't blame yourself" he said as looked up at the old elf who was looking at him the same way his haru did. Cirdan only wiping his tears while still holding him. The older elf let out a weak sounding chortle.

"Ah yes I heard about that. You've caused quite a stir with that stunt. Though in a way Lord Ulmo found it quite funny....but don't tell others that. Also, it's just Cirdan to you Prince Lómion" said the old elf as he whispered the last part in a quiet hush.

"Well then in that case it's just Lómion to you Cirdan. I never liked titles and I'm not about to start now. It's one of many reasons I don't want people knowing about me. Are you alright?" he said in genuine worry for the old elf.

"Oh you sweet child don't worry about me. I may be old but I'm not out" said Cirdan as he gently took his shoulder and walked them over to the couch.

Oh you think you're old now😏

"Well alright then. Umm I'm sure you've guessed by now but I came here with a few things for you. I didn't mean to listen in on your conversation by the way. It just sort of happened" he said with a fake smile and a sheepish shrug. The old elf just looking at him with a look that said "Uh huh sure."

"Well then I suppose this old Shipwright can spare some time for you. Eru knows its the least I can do" said Cirdan with sarcasm coating his words.

"Haha well you see remember when I told you about the upcoming battle and the refugees. Well I made these for you. One moment 'Accio seeds,' see here they are" he said and missed the look of wonder that coated the old elf's face when seeds suddenly shot out of the seemingly small pouch.

"These are seeds for a vegetable called potatoes. There also seeds for a grain called rice and a fruit called bananas. I've also written all the information regarding their purpose, planting, and maintaining all here in this book. It's all in Sindarin so you shouldn't have a hard time understanding it. There's also tools and building instructions in here but you might want to open that outside considering they're pretty big and sharp. There's some sickles in here you see, but I also brought some trade offers from my uncles. These foods aren't just helpful for the edain but also the eldar. If done right the rice seeds can be stored for up to two years" he said and Cirdan's eyes went wide at that last statement. Another wave crashing against his house.

"Look you don't even really have to do the trade if you don't want to. I just don't want people to starve. If done right this'll definetly get you through a siege. Yes, you can fish but edain at the very least need more than that" he said and missed how the water churned in almost disappointment. Cirdan looking like he just saw a volcano spit ice.

" are truly something else. Child I have no problem with the trade agreements. Hmph if anything it's about time I did something to miff Elwë honestly. But don't take an example from me on that. However, did you really make these for people you don't even know?" said Cirdan as though he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Well yes..its not like I'm just going to watch people starve or die for that matter when there's a reasonable solution. I don't know if you've noticed but I don't do anything half-way" he said and watched as Cirdan just quirked a brow at that statement and started rubbing his temples.

"No no you most certainly do not. I think you and Lord Ulmo would get along swimmingly. No pun intended" said Cirdan as two waves splashed against the cliffs bordering his house.

"Uh well I don't know about that. If anything I think he'd be mad at me but I won't get into that" he said and saw how Cirdan just gave him an incredulous look. The waters outside his house suddenly going still in an almost sounding "what?"

"I would ask why you think that but I'll respect your wishes. Honestly, you may very well have the biggest heart I've ever seen. I'll accept these child but no more. This isn't your sole responsibility. Next time please promise you'll discuss with me before you do anything else. I would prefer if my vassals not run out of my home in fright should you deign to make some alterations" said Cirdan as he remembered what the last two letters from the Finwions talked about. He laughed at the sight of Harry/Lómion slapping his forehead in indignation.

"Alright but in my defense that was one time. Honestly, they make such a big deal over it. It wasn't even that bad (It was😅)" he said as he then stood up with Cirdan following him to the balcony.

"Of course little one. I'm sure there was no issue with the High King's advisor jumping out a window in sheer terror. Yes, no issue at all hahahaha" said Cirdan as he laughed from the sight of Harry/Lómion's pursed lips when he recalled that incident.

"Alright little one it's time for you to fly home. Remember I'm here if you ever need an ear. Now, stay safe" said Cirdan as he hugged the child again and let him take off into the air as a falcon.

The waves now crashing again against the oldest elf in middle earth's home. Another mental message coming from the Lord of Waters.

"Apologies my Lord Ulmo but how could I even begin to garner a guess as to why that child thinks you dislike him. It would seem while his heart may be as big your waters it is also just as fragile. You'll just have to learn the reason when you finally meet him. A day I indeed look forward to.

He made it to Himring without any issues. Tyelpe already requesting a private meeting with his Uncle Maedhros in advance. Though he had also asked for Milya to be in attendance. He was walking through the halls and no one was stopping him. His hair was tied back with a few braids. Well mostly for the front of his hair. It was still so surreal having long hair now. Granted it definetly wasn't as long as his Fëanorian relatives nor his Haru's for that matter. Even Fingon had longer hair than him. Of course he was fine with how it was. He certainly didn't plan to cut it. That was a big no no among elves.

As he walked closer to the office he pulled his pack in front of him. The gift and other items safely packed inside.

I really hope he likes it.

Hopefully this "Essence of Dittany" will get Milya off my back.

Thank goodness Hermione taught me to always carry multiple spare cauldrons.

Good thing I remembered to grab some salt water before I left the Havens.

As he finally made it to the familiar door of his uncles office he took a deep breath before proceeding to knock and walk right in. And sitting there as always was his red headed uncle who he'd first made contact with. But this time the room was also inhabited by his cousin Tyelpe and the notorious blonde haired elleth that had gone after him with a net of all things Milya.

Actually now that Harry/Lómion took a closer look. Her eyes are actually blue. She almost looked like she could be related Glorfindel.

Then again blonde hair and blue eyes are quite common traits among elves.

I think I prefer redheads thanks.

As Harry/Lómion took a moment to smile and quickly hug his red headed heart uncle. He then moved to sitting next to Tyelpe on the couch in front of Maedhros. Milya sitting on the chair to his uncles right.

"I'd say it's been a while Lómion but it really hasn't. Of course I'll never complain for a chance to see both my nephews. Carnister and Kano have told me a bit of what you've been up to lately. Not only forging and healing but now farming is it? Tell me pitya is there an end to your talents?" said his Uncle Maedhros with a playful smile decorating his now clear face.

"Indeed, I wonder if there is an end at all. I was very surprised to hear you wanted to see me my prince. I hope this doesn't involve getting turned into a squirrel. Because I'll say now, that I most certainly won't appreciate it" said Milya with a warning look on her face that really said "you think the net was bad then you've seen nothing yet little rabbit👹."

Tylepe could not help but snicker and badly fail to hold back laughing when he remembered that. Harry/Lómion taking the liberty to jab him in his side for that.

"Ma'am I assure you that there will be no incidents of such nature today. Also, you really don't have to call me prince. It's not like anyone else knows I'm one" he said and missed the very slight brow twitch that both the blonde and red haired elves sported for but a moment.

"Besides I have something for you that's been long overdue. I know I gave all of you those potions but I made something for you in the event I'm ever not here or if the stock runs out. Honestly it was a happy accident that I found out this whole land is teeming with dittany plants" he said as he started rummaging throught the expandable pouch. His whole arm disappearing into something the size of his palm. Not noticing that his last sentence seemed to startle all the residents in the room.

"Not here Lómion?" said his Uncle Maedhros in controlled curiosity.

"Well it's a precaution if I'm ever knocked out, poisoned, attacked by giant spiders, being mauled by huge snakes, or in the middle of a fight. It's always during such situations that someone always ends up needing help, so it's best to be prepared for such instances" he said and was still rummaging through the bag. The three residents of the room now looking gobsmacked at what he just said. Tyelpe looking like he wanted to bash whoever put him in even half those situations.

Maedhros now shaking from the effort to stay still.

As for Milya...well she looked like she wanted to choke him for having experience in such things.

"Ah here it is. Milady this little bottle here is called Essence of Dittany. I don't suppose you've heard of the dittany plant before? I've also got a picture of it in this book I've written" he said as he also pulled out the little pocket book he'd conjured. Said book containing all the instructions and images for how to brew the potion. Of course said instructions being written in both quenya and Sindarin. Milya staying remarkable calm during the open display of said Princes magic even though she was screaming inside.

"....I have not heard of such a plant. Perhaps I've seen it but have not heard the name. I must admit I've never seen a blend of this color. You said this bottle is a healing potion? ....You said you wrote this book?" said Milya in a controlled voice as she took the book that was written in modern day paper. She also examined the contents of the dittany blend when Harry/Lómion handed it to her. Her eyes widening a bit when she skimmed through the pages. The pages going still when her gaze landed on the clearly labeled dittany plant. Her eyes darting towards her Lord before proceeding.

"I've seen this plant before but it's not Athelas. That's what we've mostly used for dealing with orc poison. Does this have the same effect?" she asked as she handed the book to Maedhros. His eyes examining the newest creation of his nephew.

"No, it doesn't deal with poisons. It's more for dealing with very serious wounds. Particularly open wounds like if a sword goes through someone's gut or if someone is about to lose a leg but it's still attached. The potion will hear such severe wounds in seconds. However, if the limb is lost or of there's poison involved. You'll have to use the Renervate and Skele-grow potions I made. I can't teach you those because the ingredients are well....unique" he said and avoided the narrowed gaze of the blonde healer that one hunted him like easy prey.

"Unique? Care to elaborate?" she said in almost suspicion at what he considered unique. Maedhros now looking particularly curious along with Tyelpe.

"....snapping cabbages. There may also be some clubs involved or at least something long and blunt. Though a chair leg would work well too. That's all I'll say. I'll leave the rest to your imagination" he said and you could clearly see they all blanched at that explanation. GIANT imaginary question marks clearly materializing on top of their heads.

"The point is that this potion is easy to make. Uncle the instructions are all in that book. The potion only requires dried and crushed dittany leaves as well as 15 drops of salt water. This potion is extremely low risk in regards to brewing. It should take you about 20 minutes to make and you'll know you've got it right if the mixture turns gold-brown in color. If you get it wrong then the potion just becomes a dud. This one doesn't have any risk of exploding, poisoning you, melting through the floor, or killing everything in the vicinity. Here I even brought some cauldrons for you to use" he said as though it were normal but most certainly wasn't to the residents of the room. But before they could try to interrogate him he "Accio'd"three knee size cauldrons out of the bag. A feather weight charm making them easy to carry around.

"You can practice with these and I can oversee the progress in the coming months. I promise this works. I am sorry I can't really teach you the other ones but this'll be the best emergency treatment should the stock run out. At the very least you don't need songs of power to make these. I'm already working to establish trade with the Havens for the salt water. Not to mention I've already written up the farm plans that I gave to Uncle Curufin and Caranthir. But why Curufin insisted on changing the name of one of them, I'll never understand" he said in almost frustration when his cousin answered with sarcasm coating his voice.

"Really cousin? You think 'reaper' is an appropriate name for a giant plough?" said Tyelpe as though it weren't really a question. His face clearly showing his satisfaction at teasing him.

"It isn't a bad name. Who knows it could even served to confuse the enemy and prevent orcs from trying to steal them. Of course I could always enchant them like I did the bottles" he said and flinched when everyone almost whimpered. Milya and Maedhros answering at the same time, as though they practiced it.

"Please don't"


"No! No Lómion, no enchantments on farm equipment! I don't care what you do to orcs.....mostly. But if any of the edain or dwarves see thieves suddenly exploding or getting bit by Eru knows what! No amount of bribery, blackmail, threats, gold, or even begging is going to shut them up. Don't think I've forgotten about Kano flying at me through a fireplace of all things! Your grandfather tells me people are STILL talking about that in his territory!" said his red haired uncle in sheer desperation. Milya and Tyelpe barely holding themselves back from laughing.

"....What if I just made it so thieves forget why they tried to ste.."


"Cousin in case you forgot. Dwarves do have a bad habit of simply grabbing something from you when they want to examine it. What if your spells interpreted that as theft and ending up zapping them. It's not like your enchantments haven't had unexpected results before. Need I remind you what happened to Uncle Tyelko's poor hunter last year" said his cousin with an evil grin decorating his face. One that clearly said "let's not have a repeat shall we."

"Oh that's rich considering I remember a certain elder cousin of mine that was dumb enough to let go of his broom mid flight. I told you the rules dear cousin, and each one of them clearly says 'Don't let go of the broom!' Uncle Curufin ripped into both of us for that!" he said in humorous retaliation. His lips twitching from trying not to laugh from the memory.

"I'd rather have a flying accident than get burned up in a fireplace. Oh it was certainly a memorable experience, but Atar was never the same after that. He still flinches whenever he sees one. Don't misunderstand me, I'm certainly having fun with all this. But honestly cousin, what's next? You turn Eönwë into a duck?...........😳.......Maeglin?"

Harry/Lómion went silent at that suggestion.

Actually the whole room went still and now had an aura of nervousness for every minute that he didn't answer.

Now the reasonable part of his brain would have answered with a resounding "No" or "Of course not."

However, years of being around the Weasely twins and Seamus Finnegan......well.....he may have chosen the more sad*stic answer.

A dark chuckle escaping his lips as he said.

"Why a duck when a mouse works just as well"

It was then Maedhros, Milya, and Celebrimbor went blue and looked like they'd swallowed, not sucked, a 100 sour plums.

(In the palace of Ilmarin, the herald of Manwë was suddenly assailed with a foreboding so intense he screamed for his lord)

" can't be serious. Maeglin you wouldn't dare" said Maedhros as though he heard the craziest thing he'd ever heard in his life. His body now beginning to violently tremble.

"Relax uncle I won't bother him if he doesn't bother me or any of you for that matter" he said as though it weren't a big deal. Not missing the utter panic now decorating everyone's faces. Milya looking like she wished she hadn't heard that!

"Don't you dare, Maeglin Lómion don't you dare! For the sake of my sanity PLEASE don't do anything to Manwë's herald!" said his Uncle in true desperation. His tone really saying "Oh Eru no...please no...not blood pressure won't survive it!😱

"You're're really mad...hahaha I think haru Fëanor would have adored you" said his cousin as his face was now hysterically twitching.

That's the second time I've heard that now.

Hmmm..... .but then again Feanor did tell them to bug off when they asked for the gems.

Of course they bloody well deserved it😏

Pfftt I think one of these days I might try sneaking into Mandos to try and meet him.

(In the Halls of Mandos the Doomsman suddenly had a bad feeling he was about to need new doors and very sturdy locks!)

"Well I've been called worse but getting back on topic. I have another book for you Milya. These are medical techniques and practices that will be pertinent in future treatments. Particularly when it comes to keeping treatment areas clean and routinely washing your hands. The book details some new stitching techniques as well. I've also made what's called antibiotics. These are mostly for the edain. They can prevent infection while treating an injury or address an already present one. However, some humans may have what are called allergies. It's when their bodies react badly to a certain stimulant. Worst case it could actually kill them. Have you ever heard of it before?" he said in an attempt to steer the conversation in a direction where he wouldn't get nagged. The attempt seemingly doing the trick as Milya shook herself back to reality. Her expression bearing surprise at the severity of what she just heard.

"No, I haven't heard of it. But to be honest I've never treated any of the edain" she said as she took the second book and looked surprised when Harry/Lómion's eyes went wide at that statement.



She's seriously never treated one??

Oh bugger...this could have been really bad.

"You've never treated one? Really? Have none of them ever come this way before?" he said in surprise as he then looked at Maedhros for an answer.

"No Lómion, I've never actually hosted any of them. We don't know much about them really. Finrod is the only elf that's really had any prolonged contact with them. Carnistir being the second, given the House of Haleth stayed in his lands for a time. But that's all the experience we really have with them" said his red haired uncle in the tone of a practiced politician.

....Oh Bullocks...

So Beren really was the first physical interaction for the Fëanorians.

Ugh that idiot unwititngly caused the first rift between elves and men!🤦

"Oh...well that could have certainly been an issue. I'm glad I brought this up then. Then this book I wrote will certainly help. I've even labeled the bottles for what they're called in quenya and sindarin. I've only got a limited stock though so only use them if necessary. I don't know if they'll work on elves but they should on edain. We can still use Athelas for any elves that get infection or poison. If by chance you or any of the others ever do encounter an edain in need of healing. Please ask them if they can't eat a certain food. The most common allergies are from nuts, certain plants, or even shellfish. The best test for someone with an allergy is to get a blood sample and drop these samples in them. The blood will fizzle or get thicker if they're allergic. That's when you'll now not to give them that particular antibiotic. As for the stitching techniques they'll work on elves. I'll stick around Himring for a few months to oversee the training. Is that alright with you ma'am?" he said in the tone of an experienced teacher and with respect for an elder. Though he didn't understand when Milya seems to twitch when he said something. Her blue looking awed and surprised.

"I would never deny leaning new healing methods, but why are you doing all this? I understand wanting to help my lords. However, why the edain when you say you have not met them?" she said in honest confusion. Though she would be very surprised by what she heard next. Her and all the rooms occupants.

"Why? What do you mean why? You're a healer aren't you? Is there a criteria or a rule that states who you heal? It doesn't matter what race they are or what their background is. If there is a life that I can save than why not save them. You took an oath to protect and save the lives of those who come before you seeking aid. It doesn't matter what race they are or how long their life span is. The fact is that they need help so help them. I'm never going to abandon anyone when there's a reasonable means to save them. I'm giving you this so we can save lives. Whether it be dwarves, elves, men, or even an eagle. I'll save them with everything I've got. I know you may not like me very much and I do apologize for giving you the run around even if I had my reasons. But will you please help me with this?" he said with sheer conviction. His dark eyes looking akin to someone who had naught but experience with such things and of one who truly wanted to protect.

Though unbeknownst to the young elf, those words had just earned him the respect of Himring's chief healer. Not only for the strength in his words but also for the fact that a prince just apologized and asked permission from someone who he could supposedly order.

Maedhors Fëanorian and Celebrimbor Curufinwion looking like they'd never seen him before but also holding deep pride in their hearts for Irissë's son.

"I dare say you are right. It is indeed my duty to heal the injured and sick, regardless of who they are. Worry not for I shall use this knowledge as you have prince" she said with true respect coating her words but then also a touch of humor as she uttered the last part. A clear attempt to tease him as she smirked when saying it.

If it were possible Harry/Lómion looked both grateful and irked at the same time.

A playful glare being shot at the blonde elleth who seemed hell bent on always getting one up him.

"Well seeing as that's all done. I have one more item on my agenda. Uncle Maedhros you know how I've made a special gift for everyone?" he said as he smiles in anticipation for his Uncle's reaction. Maedhros hearing that and slowly sporting a knowing smile.

"Yes, pitya. I believe I have. My it's not my turn now is it?" said his red haired uncle with a touched smile on his face.

"As a matter of fact it is! I'm sorry for the delay though. I'm afraid I was delayed on account of a certain temporary barring from the forge. Regardless I've finally finished it and I think you'll like it. Just give me a moment. I've got it right here" he said with a mix of excitement, clenched teeth, and anticipation for the unveiling as he reached for the pouch and reached inside. Though what he pulled out surprised everyone.

With a loud echoing "Shing"

Harry/Lómion pulled out what would forever be the item that honored his former house.

The memory of a relic that saved his life many times over.

A weapon that destroyed the legacy of evil when all seemed lost.

A beacon of hope to those who'd once thought themselves unworthy.

In that moment Harry Potter now Maeglin Lómion pulled out.....

The Sword of Gryffindor

With the skills from the Wizarding world and the magical materials from the world of Eä.

Harry/Lómion had managed to create a near perfect replica of the Sword of Godric Gryffindor.

Though of course, with a few nifty tweaks😉

The intended recipient of the gift was now left gaping at the marvel before him. Celebrimbor not faring any better as his eyes were fixed at the brilliant piece of craftsmanship before him. Milya left staring with wide eyes at the beautiful sword that was practically shimmering before her. Though they would be half broken from their stupor when the creator of this great sword spoke.

"This is a gift from me to you Uncle of my heart. The blade is made of mythril while the hilt is made of both mythril and molted silver. Though Tyelpe did help me get the ruby so I guess you could say it's from both of us. I find it poetic since red is the color of the House of Fëanor. Umm do you like it?" he said with a deep affection lacing his words and a slight bit of concern that Maedhros wouldn't like it. But those concerns would soon be squashed.

"Lómion this...this...I've never...never seen such amazing craftsmanship.'s so light. This design is unheard of but it's so different from any blade I've seen, even Atar's" said his red haired heart uncle as he carefully took and examined the sword.

Of course taking the sword and not knowing what the implications of being able to lift it meant.

Though he soon would😉

Harry/Lómion could not help but show a content smile when he saw his uncle take the blade in hand. For he knew what that meant and was so happy about his guess being right.

I knew he was a true Gryffindor.

He kind of looks like Godric when you think about.

Well maybe I'm partial because of the red🤭

"Well if you like that, then I've got another surprise for you" he said in cheeky jubilation. His cousin looking at him in dubious disbelief.

"Pardon? Maeglin what else is there?" said his cousin Tyelpe in confusion.

Though Harry/Lómion could only let out a tinkling laugh as he recited the creed of the House of the Brave.

"When all seems lost and there is no light my devotion will burn like a pillar so bright"

"When evil struggles to gain its stem, I shall stand strong to burn it's spread"

"With Courage and Bravery unlike any other, my strength shall pave the way for others"

"In defense of those who cannot stand, all will tremble before my power"

"Beware to those who seek to harm for the brave shall stand forever tall"

"With this creed and in this hour thy name will send the cruel to cower"

"For I am the strong"

"I am the brave"

"I am Gryffindor!"

And as those words were uttered the Sword of Gryffindor glowed with a silver radiance unlike that ever seen before. The runes of the creed appearing on the blade in a language to be understood by all who read it. The sword radiating energy that promised to cleave all evil in its wake.

"Wow" said his cousin in awe.

Oh you haven't seen the best part yet.

"I still haven't said the best part yet(Echo?🤭)" he said as he stepped closer to his uncle who held the sword in wonder. His gaze now locked on his taller uncle. It was then he couldn't help but give a loving smile at the man he considered his family.

Well here goes.

"This sword cannot be held by evil"




"The enchantments I've laid upon this blade are ones that will never allow one with a black heart to wield it. This sword will come and can only be held in the hands of a true Gryffindor. Only one who is brave and seeks to protect can wield this sword. It can never be stolen. It can never be used to kill an innocent, for it simply will not do so. Any who try will have their hands hwen from their wrists. No trolls, orcs, goblins, dragons, evil men, selfish elves, or greedy darrow will ever be able to use this sword unless for the noblest and purest intentions. Even if that wretch Morgoth dared to touch it, the pain this sword inflicts would be worse than any pain they've ever encountered. Even the burns from the Silmarills. Never mind the sword would simply disappear to the hands of a bearer worthy of it" he said as he looked at his now shaking and choking up uncle.

Celebrimbor looking stunned at the revelation.

Milya covering her mouth with her hand as her eyes showed her shock at what those words meant.

"Wait...but Lómion...I can't.....I don't deserve to hold this...I" said Maedhros as he was about to give back the sword only to be stopped.

"Enough. I said this before. You.are.not.evil Uncle. Yes, you harmed and you took lives. One day you'll have to atone for that, but I know you will. Because you are not evil. Evil does not repent and feel guilt for those they've harmed. Evil cannot know love and give it to those who need it. The sword knows that, so until that time comes. Protect and save as many lives as you can. This evil isn't going to go away. Even if you did hide in Valinor it wouldn't have been safe forever. Any who belive that are beyond naïve. Evil does not sleep Uncle and by all the power I have I will see it squashed. So stop beating yourself up and accept that the sword has chosen you. Here see for yourself. Milya would you please try and hold the sword?" he said with complete seriousness. Milya flinching in surprise and showing hesitance at touching such a weapon. Though Harry/Lómion showed a gentle smile and nod that it was okay.

Though of course, the moment she tried she would not succeed.

Because as soon as Maedhros handed the sword to Milya the sword fell to the ground with a loud "Thunk."

Her attempts to lift it being fruitless since she was not a "True Gryffindor."

I had a feeling she was more a Ravenclaw.

Guess I was right😁

"See, only a true Gryffindor can lift this sword and that's you. So for once stop being stubborn and accept the facts. I didn't go to all the trouble of making the thing just for younto reject it. My goodness that'd really hurt my feelings. Can you imagine Tyelpe? Someone rejecting a smiths work? My goodness the horror" he said and winked at his cousin to play along. His cousin seeming to get the message as he let out a sly smile.

"Indeed Lómion. There certainly is no greater insult than rejecting such a hard made gift. It would be wise to accept Uncle. Lest we see my cousin start crying from sadness" said Tyelpe as he let out a snort when Harry/Lómion shot him a glare for that last comment.

Maedhros just releasing a soft choke at all this.

He didn't waste a moment as he pulled Harry/Lómion into a tight hug. Maedhros now patting his hair and near crying into his hair.

"Thank you child. Thank you" said his Uncle as Harry/Lómion just hugged him back and snuggled a bit into his chest.

And so with that, the sun set across the mountains. The perfect end to a long day.

Of course that would be the case for most.

But for our young wizard, there was still one more thing he had to get done😉

He was floating

He was floating on his broom with Tyelpe sitting right behind him.

It was nighttime and they were floating skywards. Subsequently overseeing the fortress of Himring.

Why were they floating you ask? 🤔


There was still a barrier to finish😉

That's right! After a little over 20 years of hard work. The primary defense of the sons of Fëanor and Fingolfin's territories was about to be complete.

Now why was he doing this in the middle of night you ask?


He wanted it to be a surprise🤭

Though for whatever reason his cousin wasn't sharing his enthusiasm.

"This is a bad idea"

Here we go again🙄

"It's not a bad idea. Besides you all knew I was doing this so what's the problem?"

"The problem is that we're doing this in secret, it's the middle of the night, and you thought nothing would happen when you enchanted the castles. Then look how that turned out!" said his cousin in sheer indignant sarcasm.

"It turned out fine. They just weren't expecting it last time"

"They aren't expecting it this time either! Maeglin I don't think this is a good idea! I'm almost 1000 yrs old! I'm too old to be grounded for life😫!" said his cousin in a tone that screamed "I don't want to get in trouble AGAIN!"

"Tyelpe you're not going to get grounded! Calm down and act your age. We're just finishing the barrier. Besides what could go wrong?" he said and almost looked offended at the deadpan look his cousin was giving him. A look that clearly said he asked a dumb question.

"I know you did not just ask that. What could go wrong? I can think of 15 things off the top of my head. You know what. I'm just going to watch you do this but be warned when we get interrogated. I'm going to sing like a canary!" said his cousin with zero shame at the insinuation of ratting him out to their twitchy uncles.

"Why cousin I had no idea you could sing😲! May chance did you learn bird calls from Uncle Celegorm😏" he said with UTTER sarcasm. Not missing the groan his cousin now released.

A groan that marked the desirable height for Harry/Lómion to complete the barrier for both territories at once.

He took a deep breathe, his cousin tightening his hold on his waist as he silently chanted the last spells. The barrier growing steadily, a small hole marking the last piece to be filled.

It filled.

It filled a little more.



With the last piece of the barrier complete a short flash of dim light appeared over the territories.

He did it!!

The primary defense barrier for both territories was finally up!!

Now they could get down and......




Why does he look green???

Oh dear.

I have a bad feeling about this.

In a flash he shot the broom down to the ground. He quickly dismounted both of them and quickly laid his now violently trembling cousin on the ground. His cousin's face now a mix of green and white. Harry/Lómion went for the quick solution and quickly cast a"Renervate"on his cousin. The spell seeming to do the trick as his cousins palor returned to normal and he took in a loud gulp of air.

"Tyelpe what happened?? You..." but he would get no further because well...

That's when the screaming started...🫣

In the Gap of Maglor, Makalaurë Kanafinwë who was peacefully resting in his bed. Suddenly woke from a surge of power that released a murderous aura so intense the poor elf's bones felt like they were about to be crushed. All reason and sense fleeing his mind as he unleashed a blood curdling scream so loud it shattered every glass in the fortress. The resident elves also beginning to scream and run all over the place as the aura of promised destruction now flooded their very beings. The wise Erestor now screaming like a mad ring fighting chicken as he jumped out his bedroom window in a vain attempt to find some place of safety. His night clothes being the only thing to protect him from the cold when he ran into a wall and proceeded to pass out outside.

In the Pass of Aglon, Tyelkormo Turkafinwë and Curufinwë Atarinke were both laying on their respective coaches when they were suddenly besieged by the feeling of death breathing down their necks. Their response being to jump several feet in the air and scream like they were being murdered. Curufin now shaking like a leaf and screaming like a maniac. Celegorm now growling like a rapid dog that fought in vain to fend off an unbeatable foe. The hole pass soon following in their panic as many started grabbing weapons and swinging at random things. A fruitless endeavor to destroy the source of this malice thathad assaulted their home. The worst of it all was that the once proud hound of Oromë Huan, now had his tail tucked between his legs and was whimpering like a new born puppy. His whole body now violently trembling in a manner akin to having a seizure. His courage flying the coop when he was assailed with this indestructible aura.

In the lands of Barad Eithel the crown prince and High King were woken from their rest to the sounds of the whole city screaming their lungs off. Blind terror decorating the streets as several citizens were now screaming into the night. Some even saying "Valar save me!!", "Eru!! Eru have mercy!!", or were really just screaming for the sake of unleashing their unadulterated terror and what was happening to their home.

In the lands of Thargelion, Cranthir the dark was working on some papers when he suddenly snapped his quill. A violent and thrice more intense malicious aura suddenly assaulting his fëa like a spitting cobra. His prompt response being to jump out the window and engage every emergency evacuation procedure he had ever know. The residents of his territory yelling "Save the children!" or "Run for your Eru loving lives!!" in the meantime.

In the planes of Estolad, Amrod and Amras were chipping away at some dead wood when they suddenly heard screaming and a mild wave of energy coming from their brother's territories. The significant scream coming the Pass of Maglor giving them the perfect clue as to who was behind this. They just looked at each other and let out hysterical laughs when they said "It was Maeglin!"

In the fortress of Himring where Maedhros Fëanorian lay asleep in his chambers. A sudden chill ran down his spine that was so cold he'd have thought he was sliding across the ice of the Helcaraxë. His whole fortress now erupting into panicked and terror driven screams. His residents jumping out multiple windows and heading for the woods in a vain effort to find shelter. His finest warriors now reduced to whimpering messes in the face of this unseen horror. His chief healer could be heard yelling "I knew it!! I knew he had to be up to something!!"

Now, if you thought that was the worst of it....well you would he wrong.

Because aside from the feeling of promised annihilation radiating all over the place.

There was about to be one more surprise and the implications were one's Harry/Lómion's young and old mind failed to account for.






What the bloody hell is that???


Oh no...

Oh no no no no......

How the heck could it forget that!!!?

Oh bullocks...

Oh bugger....

Tyelpe was right...😨

I'm so getting in trouble for this!(Oh yes you are🤭)

Oh he would be getting in trouble indeed because what Harry/Lómion failed to account for when he created the primary defense.

Were the orcs and goblins still already inside the boundaries.🤦

Needless to say, by the time the sun rose the next morning. The territories of the House of Fëanor and Fingolfin were now completely orc free seeing as all the foul creatures had been subsequently grilled and blown up during the previous night. Their bodies now looking like they had dived head first into a Kiln!

By the time the lords of their respective territories had gathered some semblance of their wits. A resounding"MAAAAAEEEEEGGGGLLLIN!!!!!!!!"could be heard echoing all across the North.

And so for the first time in the history of Beleriand another mass of the continent would be free of orcs and Morgoths foul creatures for a time.

For that time would be short indeed...

As time passed and now.....

The Dagor Bragollach was about to begin.

The Wizarding Prince of Twilight - Chapter 18 - Marsflame18 - The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth (2024)
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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

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Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.