Bluefield Daily Telegraph from Bluefield, West Virginia (2024)

IF YOU SEE IT IS PEPIGO'S jTOUlj! IT'S WORTH Griffon Brand' Shirt-waists SOLD ONLY BY US They Fit Well, Look Well aod Wear Well. They have no superior in Style, Make or Fin- SELL Shirt-waists Made to Measure ID Our Own Work Room at Same Cost of Slock GoodX We sometimes try to describe Wash Dress Fabrics. in an but 'tis a difficult task, and you newer quite know from description if'tis what you want. Better see the stock. We are cosntantly adding to this stock, keeping: it ever in the front ranks, and can usually please you--aod you know the prices are right, lower than you pay for the same goods if ordered from the large citie-i.

AND BRIEFS. Thomas C. Miller, of Charleston, is In the city. B. A.

Palmer was here from Gil- Ham yesterday. A. II returned' last night Atlanta, Ga. SA. a and A.

P. Gillesple, of Tazewell, me in the city. Dr. W. L.

Miller returned last night rom a visit to AlUi'ixm. r. and Mrs. II. Bailey, of Belli', are visiting lilnelleld friends Mrs.

C. T. Anderson reUnucd yes- eulay to her home in Hoanoke after a isit to Uluelield Iriends Mrs. L. A.

who has ueeu vis- dug her husband in this city, returned yesterday to her home atCashnieie. Subject for discussion at the Christian chuich i evening at 8:30 will he of the Holy Spirit." Bong service will begin at 8 o'clock. All are invited. Captain has been recuperating at his home in Nelson county, for tbe past few has icbunted his run on passenger tiilins "os. 3 and 4.

Boys at this time of year need strong, durable pants, 'Though for that mutter it takes strong pair nt nny time to last Young America Mothers who have found cither makes imperfectly made or unserviceable should try "OUIl OWN," i all wool Worsteds, Cassimeres and Kerseys, which known to wear wel1 The Pants are Perfect Fitting, Sewed with Bbst Standard thread, have the Imperial Waist-bands, taped cno't-rip seams, and are warranted not to rip. Sizes 4 to 15 Years and Measure as Marked--65c to SI.C Pedigo FedigoGo Centre anil Chur POCANOKTAS, E.S, 325 and BLTJEFIE11) Making a Big Drive on Our Big Stock Clothing and Gents' Furnisbings For the Next Week or So. We save you 10 to per cent. THORNTON CLOTHINGCO. THE STAR SIGN.

233 Princeton Avenue, BLUEFIELD, W. Va. TO HANG bnift Justice Averts a Lynching iu Putaski County. Edward Payne, the negro who confessed to attempted criminal assault upoiiMiBsCyuthia Duncan, of Dublin, aud who was indicted on Monday hy a special grand jury, as reporteJ iu yesteiday's TELEGRAPH was placed ou trial at Pulaski the same day, special petit being bastily era- pauelled, and Frank N. Morton was appointed hy the'court to defend him.

He plead guilty, b'ut claimed that he was drunk. Miss Duncan and some gentlemen who saw him about the time the assault was attempted testified that they saw no siBnsof hisbcii'g drunk. After Funeral Directors and Embalmers argument the case submitted to One of Detroit's lawyers. hflu had sucu professional success as enables him to spend a portion of each summer In a quaint New England section, brings bacli some very interesting facts. "I take my outing in one of those parts," he says, "where the farms are so run down tliat you can't hope for a good crop of anything unless it be beans or goats.

One of the consequences is that the young men have to find some otucr part of the country in which to make a living, and I'll wager that there is not another community in the Union where the average age is higher. "Knowing me to be lawyer, some of the residents called me into a conference about the township treasurer who had been guilty of advancing a teacher on her salary without the onseiit of the trustees. There was not man there except myself who was ict past 82, and. two were over 90. "While I was making a talk In favor the treasurer and trying to minimize ils transgressions without offending he selectmen, as they called them, a man of at least C5 slouched through the door ami took a seat.

'Just a said one of the oldest veterans as ho Interrupted and glowered at the intruder. 'How often lave I quoted that there quotation to BLUEFIELD FURNITURE FULL and COMPLETE LINE Parlor Dining Boom and Bed Room Furniture, Mattings Carpets, Rugs and House Furnishings in General. THE. LxATRsT iDRAS IN L.AMPS and an Up-to-Date Stock of Queensware and Glassware. It will pay you to see our stock and get our prices befor making jour purchases.

BLUEFIELD FURNITURE CO Princeton Next Door to Bluefield Hardware Co. ORDER YOURr LIQUOR IN BLUEFIELD! And alllorders will be promptlySattended to-. THE LION SALOON, Keystone, W. Va, Wm. Henry.

Pro REDTOPKYE, PENSLASU. LOUISIANA PUKoilASE, GADNVMEDE, ECHO 8PK1NO, PAUL JONES And All Leading Brands, Beers, Wines, Etc. Etc the jury and after a i moment of an hour, the reported that they could not come to a-verdict. The was not discharsed, however, and after dellbeiatiiii; all of Monday nik'ht, their various opinions were reconciled At 9 o'clock yesterday i they Sled into the court room aud annonnceJ that they had agreed upon a veidiet. Payne was found guilty as charged in the indictment, and it was recommended that the death penalty be inflicted.

Attorney Morton plead for a life sentence for his client, but it was felt that the people of Dublin not submit to a i less than tlie deatli penalty, and the presiding judge de- ciflrd in accordance with the reccm- a a i jury. Payne was sentenced to be hanged early iu July. Tlieio has beeu a very bitter feeling againbt the doomed man, aud had there been any delay on the part of the Pulaski authorities, or had the verdict been only a few years iu the peuiten- tiavy.there is little doubt that he would lavebeen lynched. However, everything is quiet now, and liiere is every reason to believe that tile execution of Payne will be accoiding to law, and not at the hands of a mob. Payne is a fairly good looking nui- Funeral Cars and Caariages AT REASONABLE Service Strictly First-class.

wn. HICKS co. Phone i05. Residence 'phone 138 BLUEFIELD, W. VA.

Our GREEN GROCERIES Fine Line, Punty.Butterine and Gasoline. Kt OF T'lE CONDITION OF THE Fiist National Bank At BlueScld, in the Htate ol Virginia, at the close of April 24,1901. RESOURCES. Liana and I'iBnounts Overdrafts, secured aud unsecured J.S. oandit to secure circulation 25.0U} M) ttaukinp' house, furniture and fli- turef 00 front National RankBnet Ee- irvuAeents) i i Due iron- Slate Banks and bankers I)j? rnra approved reserve agents ii Internal-Heveouc stumps WA 7S I'lieck- and otbpr cash -ii NctPfiuf other National Banks 3,110 ou l-'raotional papi i oiokela aad cents 6jj 71) Lawful Money Reserve in Bank viz: Logfit iender notes, 2i 'S '5 KcdrinptluD fund witb CT.

B. TrCae- uror (6 per oent.of "iroulationl CO Tctal LlABILlTlEa Capital stock paid in jurpluflfund L'ndivided profits, loBHoipenees and taxes paid 83 560 11 National Bank notes outstanding Oue to other National Harare Due to state banks and banket 11,503 Due to trust companies and savings banks 5S7 i9 ndividual deposits autjeui to cheoit, 511,283 87 ieiofind cortifloatee of deposit ohecka 31 Full Stock of Pi? in and Fancy Groceries. J. N. Echols Co.

No. 5 Princeton Avenue, 'Phone 61 'iotal STATE OF TWEBT VIROINIA, I a County of Mercer I. W.C. Pollock. Cashier, of the above atmed bank, do solemnly swear that the above etatemont Is true to the beet of knowledge and belief.

Cashier. Subscribed aad swore to before me thiettth day ol May, 1901. L.A.HoopKH.N. 1- Correct-- ISAAC MANN, A. UAXHBK.

EDWIN HANK. Direct ore -on 'bout old men for council rating men for war? This is a council; v'ow yon just run out till we get hroug'b, Willie. If there's any a'rest to he made, we'll call on And Willie went i turning a word." --Detroit Free Tress. latto, and has teen to scliool some. He wasieartd in Pulaaki, and bos llyed in lluit county and Giles.

COLORED INSTITUTE. The Athenians dine late tbe year round anil, whenever the weather will permit, in the opiiii air. As the heatut season advances the dinner hour is sot and later until Iu August 9:30 or 10 becuuiL's the common thing. Fancy to the theater after a Yi-i the open air perfonnancos art 1 libonill.i patronized, ami they lo not begin, of course, until a dinner. The lojjcnJ "Curtain rises promptly at 0" is a snare and a delusion, as many a To: elgner lias found, to his extreme ai noyance.

The out of door dining and the roofed theaters are so typically (ii-eei; that they wrve as a link between modern and classical times. The old as everybody knows, was an outdoor man, his bouse serving as little moru than a sleeping place and storeroom. The Athenian of today dines in garden, on his terrace or in parlt. If he Is too poor to possess any of these accessories, be sets his table upon the sidewalk. Many of the cheap restaurants appropriate the walks for dining rooms.

One is often compelled when taking an evening stroll to dodge in and out among dozens of tables covered with reasonably clean linen and lighted by means of candles, whose flames are protected from the wind by glass Summer Clothing and Suits made to order; Underwear and Gcnr.s ings at J. L. HOKTON'S, No. 20 Bland CoinDierc itioiit Exercises Last Sight of Nature. The mmie'icetnent exeicises iit tbe BUiefielil Ol.netl Institute last nicut wcie vtiy ink-resting.

Declamations, recitation, solos and choruses made he program ciiteituiuing and pleas- ng. Many of tlie declaimers eyidenc- ed the highest talent, trod all the stud who participated acquitted hem selves i credit. This is one ol the most progressive the Bute's schools. This is due to Rood management and care of the Unird of legeuts, and the thorough knowledge of school matters mid abil- i of the principal The fact is conceded that Prof Hat- tci is the leading of his race i'i tlie state, aud the rapid advance- nT his school here is gratifying to h-s friends iiuQ a wonder to other in- slitu'ious of the i Tonight the (inal exercises will be lielil. The diplomas will be awarded by SUte Superintendent Miller.

Well, How is Your WTCH? If it is sick and its pulse beats slow bring it to us and We fill Make It Go! As jou know that we are the doctors who Will GUARANTEE a Cure for all diseases of your Watch, Clock! Jewelry Call and see our new stock of jewelry just received this week. Yours to serve, HEBANfiTHORHTOH Near Passenger Depot Exctirision Rates rfolk Western Railway. Pan- American Exposition May 1st to Oct. 1301. ihe Norfolk Western Railway wilt eoll excursion ticke-s to Buffalo May 1st to September 30ih, 1901.

orturlber Icformutlon write to W.B. ILL, 11. BttAGQ, Gen. PUBS. Agent, Trav.

Paes. Agent Koanoke Virginia. Epvrorth Leatjue Convention San Francisco, Cai. Cheap excursion tickets via the Norfolk Western Railway. th, to the l2th, good until 31, JgOl, W.

B. Bevill, ti. P. Koanoke. Va.

German Baptist Meeting Lincoln, Neb. One Tare ronntt trip. Hxcur- iun licketson sale via Korlo Western laitway May a3, good-until I i A jtoanoke, Va. nfeilerate Veterans' Reunion Memphis, May 1951. The Nor 'f Wefitein Railway i excursion kelB May soth, afith and 27th.

B. Kevin, G.P.A., 8AVE3 TWO FROM DEATH "Our liltto daughter hid no almost fatal attack of ivliocipmg cnogh and bronchitis," writes Mrs. W. K. ITavlland, of Armonb, K.

"but, when all other remedies fulled, we saved her life with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our uicce, who had consumption in au advacced stage, also used this wonderful medicine nnd today sho is perfectly well." DCS pcrato throat end lung diseases yieli! to Dr. King's New Discovery as to other medicine on earth. Infallible for Coughs and Colds.

50c aud $1 bottles guaranteed by all druggist. Trial boU! free. I. miLEB, 1). 31 DENTIST and ORAL SURGEON.

iV) 21 Uland Street, 'I'hone No. 133, BLUEF1ELD, W. VA. Thomas E. Peeiy, M.

D. SPECIALIST, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Bluefield, Vr. Oculist for N. Railway PECK STRICKLER i i aian ringR CVIclirutcd Yesterday Moruiuir. At nine o'clock yeateiday morning at the residence of the bride's parents, Miss Lizzie 0.

f*ck and C. B. Strickler were united in marriage, Rev. P. A.

A of the Baptist cburcl), officiating. Miss Kllen French, of 1'earia- biirg, was maid of honor, aurt Mr, 11. X. Bctsou, of Salem, tieat man. The other attendants were Miss Dollie Meador, of this city, aud Air.

C. B. Beamer, of Rail The bride was dressed in white or- gauiiie, aud she and her maid of honor each carried bride's loses. The newly married couple left on No. 4 directly after the ceremony for "Radiord, where they were tendered a reception last evening.

They will make their future home in Salem, where the groom is engaged in business. Prevents Spring Fever. A fine smoke for the hot weather and an excellent preventative of the spring fever is a Tausill Punch. It makes you happy und contented. Don't fail to try one this morning--5c.

Sold by all dealers, Flat Top Grocery Company, distributors. W. S. CROCKETT Dealer in Caske's and Coffins, ROBES, Etc. Prices Reasonable, Polite Attention lilaml Street Postoffice.

'Phone 195- Wagon for Sale. Light running-gear wagon will buggy top and covered body, suit able for medicine man or pedlar, J. D. SHOTT, Blnefielil, W. Va Range for Sale! Large safetv eusolino rstiec suitable fnr restaurant or hotel, Address XX Bl'K-fiuM VV.

Va. DAILY TELE For Sale Cheap. A number of second-hand casi pulley wbet'la for stile cheap. As good as new. DAILY TELEGRAPH.

B. GBKEVEB BARNES GILLEPPIK GliKEVER GILLEBPIE, LAWYERS, TAZEWELL VIRGINIA COURTS: Tazowell and Adjoining Counties. Schedule in Eftftt A 20, Leave a.m.iorHadford.,3uSU» fee, Lynchburg, Norfolk and all poioJiE Jhennndoah Division. Pullman Buffet New York, yia Hatrerstown- Parlor car to Norfolk 0:65 p. m.

for Kadford, itounoke, burg, Norfolk and all points North nod Lt. PullmaD sleepers from Kndford to WashlnK- ton and New York, and Hoanoke to Norfolk. Triinn arrive nt BlueDold from the Eat a 1 i.m. and 8:3 p.m. From tbe Weil rf m.and6;2Up.m.

Bluefleld 6:30 m. and 8:45 p. m. Kenova, Columbus and all points West aoa Northwest. Pullman sleeper on P45 Leave 9 si a.

fo 1 ton aa stations on or Pootthontsa 6:30 a. 10:25 a. 5:50 p. and 8:45 j. m.

Arrive rocf -t a a. m. p. m. and p.

m. For Coopers, BramwH. leave a. 10:25 a. 5SO p.

TH. and 8:45 p. m. Oauonany W. ior ampD Mid additional information.

W. BTiVILL. G. tfoanoke. TRUSTEE'S SALE.

By virtue of a deed of trust executed to J. M. Sanders, Trustee, by Sidney A Johnson and Gussic, Ills wife, bearing dale on the day of August, 1895, and recorded in the clerk's oilice of this county court or Mercer county, Weit Virginia, in Trual Deed Book No. 5. rapes 381, to secure unto T.

J. glii twtliam I he payment of the sum of $760.00, evidenced by seventy six ittt-rtst bearing negotiable notes tur the sum ol JliuO each, fully mentioned and desuribid (herein, and default having been mnde in the iiaymtiu tliereoljuud being required BO to do by 'he saidT. Higgmliothum, 1, M. Sanders, Trustee, will, oo the 8 of June, 1S01. comuieaclug at 10 o'clo ft.

111., at the front dourot the law office ot 2. W. (Jiockt-u, oo Uland street, in 'he city of Bluctti Id, Mercer county. West Virginia, i.rocced sell, i n-ity of public auction, to the property conveyed by said so mucti thereof as may be necessary to satisfy fcaid indebte duets. Said real estate lyiug aud buing in the to-vn ot Bluetlcltl, County of Mercer and state of West Virginia, aa lot No.

i in section B. and as lollo Keginnlnp at tbe norihwest cori lot No. 7, 18U feet to wit degrees minutes east friim whn-e the Sdiiili Hue of i sireet ntlereeots with the oati of a aO leet wide alley thence south 17 di-grietbd minutes east a i i i i Uie north Hue of Ked street; thenco with tlio-nortu of Ked street nonh Hi degro i W(H feet to a i thence 17 degrees BO minutes west 7iS8 feet to the souih line of High street; tLen.ce with the Fouih Jim: of High street Boulh 7a degrcesWiumu es west rfo feet to the point of beginning, living the property which was conveyed to the said Sidney A. Johnson bv tafd T. J.

flijrgen- botham and wife, by iced tearing even daW wilhealfl deed of trust. TERMS Of SALE in hand. 5 11 J. OAN Trustee, Supply Co. HUNTINGTON, W.

VA. Mine, Mill and Contractors' Supplies. Machinery, Boilers, Engines, Mine Equipment, Saw Mills, Wire and Manila Rope, Copper and Iron Wire, Railroad Spikes, Nails, Iron Pipe and Fittings.Valves, Cement, Waste, Picks, Shovels, Bar Iron and Steel, Belting and co*ke Supplies of all kinds. Branch Store: BLUEFIELD, W. VA.

W. R. WRRTK, Salesman in Coal Field, Telephone Connection with Coal Field. EWSFAFERI NEWSPAPER!.

Bluefield Daily Telegraph from Bluefield, West Virginia (2024)
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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.