Bluefield Daily Telegraph from Bluefield, West Virginia (2024)

PAGE TEN BLUEFlELD DAILY TELEGRAPH, Bluefleld, W. A. Saturday Morning, September 4, 1926. ousands of Buyers and Sellers Meet In These Columns and Find Quick Action In Trades IN "'H rj 1 1 WAKT AD BATES Minimum wotd tot mbh iiuartion Alii IN THIS TIPS (8- JNOINT CAPS), TttRRB CENTS PBft WORD BACH INSERTION. Ads net in this type (12-point) fire cents word each insertion.

ADS IN THIS TYPE (12-POINT CAPS), SIX CWTS PER WOBD EACH INSERTION. Claaatfled. dlaplay (whlta spaca) Bitty per column inch. to their proper classification and to regular TelairrAph atvla of type. The publishers reserve the tight to adit or any claaalfled adrer- tiaemcnt copr.

Errors Tha Telegraph responsible for ona incorrect Insertion. Tha advertiser should at notify tha correction to ba Discontinuance dlaooRtlauanea must ba made in person at Tha Telegraph office or by letter. Telephone dlscontln- uancea are not valid. Keyed or Blind Ads Are strictly confidential and positively no Information (riven out to anyone. Closing Want will ba aicepted over the counter until p.

for Inaertlon the following Mall or aend your copy for the Sunday edition so It will ba In the office not later than 7 p. Saturday. THE DAILY TELEGRAPH TERMS: CASH WITH ORDER BRINGING UP FATHER Room for Rent ALL KEYED ADS ARE STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, AND NO INFORMATION WILL BE GIVEN PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR IT. (1) FOR Furnished rooms and rooms for light housekeeping, 318 Bluefleld avenue. O) FOR RENT Furnished room and kitchenette, heated.

South Bluefleld. Phone ,1081. vD for Rent FOR house, close in. Phone 1071. (7) FOR rooms and bath, hot Water healed residence, on Vlnoyard Btrcet.

Kenneth C. Pott, Bhjcfleld, Va. Phone 637-786. FOR on Wythe avenue. Call 301-J.

O) FOR 206 Tazowcll street, Bluefleld, W. Va. Apply Mrs. Roy St. Glair, Tazewell, Va.

Box 161. (7) Houses For Sale 11 FOR seven-room house, on one of the best streets in South Blueileld. Large living-room, sun-room and breakfast room. Would consider lot as part payment. Phono 2288.

FOR good bargains In houses and lotB In Bluefleld find on the Bluofleld-Prlnceton Road. Geo. L. Roblnetto. Phono 2103.

(11) FOR SALE--Slx-room brick and ntucco home in South Bluefleld, one block from car line. Steam heat, tile bathroom, hardwood floors throughout; garage and all modern conveniences. Gall phone 2340 or 236. (11) FOR Four rooms, 304 Frederick street, modern conveniences, partly furnished, on first floor. Phone 1062-L.

(U FOR furnished bedroom, South Bluefleld. Phone 2193. (1) FOR furnished rooms, on North street. Phone 1750x2. (1) FOR furnished light housekeeping rooms for rent.

West End. Call 112 Poplar street, or phone 1370-L. FOR or three rooms, partly furnished or unfurnished, 108 Bedford street. (1) FURNISHED ROOM FOR Rogers street, or phone 1230-1- U) FOR furnished rooms for light hcuiefeeeplns to parties without childsen, 214 Rogors street. Phona 388.

(1) FOR Housekeeping rooms, 309 Tyler street. Phone 619-L. (1) unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. Hot water- heat. Phone 2006-J.

(U FOR large rooms for light housekeeping. Hot water heat. Partly furnished, if doBtred. Phone 4J0-J. 805 Highland avenue.

(1) FOR rooms with heat, close In, to party without children. Phone H9-J. For Rent 2 FOR apartment, furnished, Princeton avenue City. rOR flat, centrally located, cheap. Phone 2378-J.

(2) MODERN CONVENIENCES, ACROSS PROM WEST VIRGINIAN HO- PHONB 180. Business Property For Rent COR Hotel, ten rooms, back of C. and O. depot, good garden and arbor, beautiful lawn and shade. Cement Walks, spring water In yard suitable for hotel or private home.

Can- tfiQl ba equaled for price. Come, look It orer. M. A. Evans, Deepwatcr, box No.

15. FOB BENT Apartment In South Bluefleld. one block from car lino, (our and bath and trunk room unfurnished. Hardwood floors, hot waMr beat and all modern convent Private entrance and bath. This nlaoa should be seen to be appreciated.

Reasonable rant. Immediate posses- slop, Phona 102J-J. (2) for Rent FOR SALE Six-room house, Frederick street. This is a now brick home, built of the best of material. Has hot water heat, hardwood floor up and Btalrs, with gumwood trim and solid birch doors.

Full size basem*nt and full Bize attic. Price sood Five-room cottage Frederick street. This property has Just been completed, and is built of brick. Has hot water heat, hardwood floors and ivory trim. Price 17,000.00.

Six-room house, Gllmor street. This is a brick bungalow and is being papered and the woodwork gone over. The living- room has a beautiful, fireplace and the house has hot water heat Installed and hardwood floors throughout. Price $9,500.00. Let us show this property to you and work out the terms.

Beautiful new stucco home located on College avenue; six largo rooms and garage. This property has hot water heat and hardwood floors throughout. Price any reasonable terms. Bcauitful colonial style hom*o on Union street. Has just been paporod and painted inside and out.

Is installed with hot water heat, full size concrete basem*nt nnd has a 60 by 250 lot. Price $10,500.00. You make the terms. Nice six-room hot water heated home on Poplar street. Has recently been papered and the woodwork gone ovor.

Price $7,600.00. Some of this property can be traded for lots or cheaper property, so If Interested let us show you. FLAT TOP REALTY COMPANY PHONE 673 ROOM, 120, BLUEFlELD, W. VA. Farms for Sale 13 NINETY-TWO ACRES ROLLING land and good large, six-room house, barn nnd plenty other buildings.

Good orclaird on a good road, four miles of Vlnfcm. Closo to church and school. Has R. F. D.

and Owner has poor health so put the price low two-thirds down balance three years time. M. L. Trout Realty B. G.

Costo agent, Vinton, Ohio. Poultry and Pets 14 BABY Reds and nodes, 11c; White Leghorns, 10c. Lithla Spring Hatchery, Park Station, Waynesboro, Va. (14) Rooms and Board 30 commissary clerk. Must be sober, single, not afraid of work; honest and have knowledge cutting meat, and furnish reference with application.

N. and W. main line. Address box NO. 29.

(30) WHERE MILLIONS SPENHOfi NUTS Must Be Added to List of Supplies for Which the United States is Dependent Upon Other Parts of the World. Male Help Wanted 31 pays big money. Don delay Teaming. Write for particulars. Molcr Barber College, 206 E.

Fourth, Cincinnati. (31) experienced meatcutter, single man only. Must furnish refer- once. Apply "Store Manager," Tierney Mining Company, Stone, Ky. (31) Wanted to Buy 17 SCRAP mON AND quanlty.

Platnlck BroB. Phone 451. (17) Auto and Trucks For Sale 19 WILL EXCHANGE BUICK SIX SPORT roadster In excellent condition for 1026 Ford coupe. Possibly consider a Ford sodan. Alderson Sexton, box 222, City, or phono 03.

(10) FOR touring car. Good condition. Address box 220, city. (19) Female Help Wanted 32 for general housework. Apply 2100 Jefferson street.

Phono 287-J. STRONG KITCHEN work, good "pay. Apply in person. 540 Princeton avenue. (32) settled woman for general housework.

Good home for proper person. Kann's, Fashion Shop, 300 Princeton avonue. (32) Female Help Wanted 32 For Sale 20 FOR Phone 868-J. carriage, $5.00. (20) FOR SALE OR LEASE Building located in Bluefleld on main line N.

and W. Railway, suitable for wholesale, manufacturing or storage. Four stories, 20,000 square feet floor space, electric elevator. Address Wholesale Company, care Dally Telegraph. FOR 75 high school and grammar school books, at one-half price.

Call at Princeton avenue, City. (20) Farms For Sale 13 FARM FOR acres with fifty bearing fruit trees, thirty acres under cultivation, five springs, school and church close. Fino market and lota of other advantages. Must sell at once. For further information write J.

H. Salalr, Montcalm, W. Va. (13) FOR Hoicomb and Hoke popcorn and peanut machine, good condition; one American steam press; one tailor's sowing machine. For cash or forms to right party.

Address box 104, Filbert, W. Va. Sam L. Browning. FOR willow baby-carriages, one baby bed, cheap.

Phone 696-J, 512 Bluefleld avenue. (20) Musical Instruments 21 ORPHEUM NO. 1 A FARLAND PRO- fesslonal steel-head banjo, leather case. Grand Piano Co. (21) Wanted 23 neat appearing young women, for Intensive advertising campaign in Bluefleld nnd Immediate vicinity.

Highly pleasant and remuner Jajjye work. See Mr. Dillon, at 418 Raleigh street, 4 to 7 p. m. (32) Position Wanted Male 39 J013 WANTED BY MARRIED MAN, thirty-ono years old; mining engl neering and commercial training; ten yoars experience as engineer, foreman and superintendent around mines.

Member A. I. M. and M. Address box care of Telegraph.

in grocery or dry goods store, by young man expert onced, Employed but desires change. Good reference. Care box 49, Daily Telegraph, (39) Position Wanted Female 40 EXPERIENCED LADY STENOGRA phor wants position in Bluefleld. Phone 2288. Business Opportunity 64 CONFECTIONERY busiest section of city, next door to theatre.

Terms to responsible parties Price around $1,500.00, call or write. Albert Wheby, Princeton, W. Va. (64) WANTED 610-L. Practical nursing.

Call (23) EIGHTY-TWO ACRES, LEVEL TO rolling corn and wheat land, six- room house, cellar, three barns, large poultry house, etc. Fifteen acres corn, hay In barn, wheat mill, riding corn planter, two riding cultivators, mower, sulky rake, two plows, disk harrow, buzz saw, wagon, hayfork and track, corn-crusher, cream separator, potato digger, tools, new. All for $7,600. Write owner, Lewis Dourlet, Duke, Ohio. (13) Florida will have the first oceangoing boulevard in tha world when the 150-mile highway between Key West and the mainland is completed.

Lost and Found 25 pin set with pearls. Reward' if found and returned to owner. Phono 1348-J, between Glonwood Park and Montcalm. Roturn to Bluefleld Oakland for reward. (26) roadster, 1925 model, West Virginia license number 54682, motor number 11670990.

If found notify Hluostono Motor and receive reward. Rooms 75 a single man, an attractive room, close in. Address L. care Telegraph. (75) apartment, four or five rooms, steam heat, location desirable.

Would consider furnished house. Phone 1619-L. (75) light housekeeping rooms by man and wife; state loca tlon and rent, ''R. M. Telegraph.

Legals Telephone wires now span the. Slna! desert across which Moses nndi self. Aayon led the children of Israel. TO WHOM IT MAY will not be responsible for any debts con tracted by any other person than my S. D.

Jackson, September 2, 1926. (28) A government agency states tfeat nuts must be added to the list ot supplies for which the United States Is dependent upon the world. Last year America bought for about 150,000,000 a half million tons of nuts or nut products, including chestnuts7 walnuts, coconuts and copra, palm nut oil and pecans, Brazil nuts, almonds, filberts and peanuts. The peanut, which is classified as a nut by the government, accounted for .36,000 tons. "The nut tree has not been taken seriously by Americans until recent years," says bulletin of the National Geographic Society from its headquarters in Washington, D.

C. "The Indian and the pioneer respected its gifts, but for many yearB a nut tree existed in America only to provide a happy outlet for the excess eneTgy of small boys in the fall. "America would he importlne many mpro tons of nuts hut for the fact that Americans have gone in for nut crops within the last twenty ears. Pecan orchards have been planted in Florida, Georgia and other Southern States, walnut and almond orchards have been planted The peanut, of course, is a new world native by birth, and a standby in Virginia and the South. Nevertheless America still must look abroad for nuts, especially those produced in the Tropics.

"Where does America shop for nut meats? She goes to Tobago, Jamaica, the Philippines and South Seas for coconuts; she goes to Brazil 1 for Brazil nuts. and babassu nuts; to Lagos, Liberia, and Sierra Leone for palm nuts to Italy and Spain for almonds, filberts and nuts; to Syria and Palestine for pistache nuts; and to France for English walnuts and chestnuts. Walnuts also come from China, Italy, Spain and Chile in some quantities. "An American investigator went to the Orient to study the. Chinese walnut industry.

His experience throws light on the odd sources ot our nut meats. Shanghai, he knew, was the main shipping point tor millions of pounds of walnut meats coming to the United States. Arrlv- ingthere he called on the exporters and asked how to find the Chinese walnut orchards. No one knew. They came from the interior.

That was enough for the exporters. But the American found a Chinese assistant who told him that the walnuts came from Taiyuanfu, capital of Shansi province. the American investigator said to himself when he reached Taiyuanfu, 'there are no walnut trees in But he was soon put right by a citizen who told him that the walnut trees were actually 100 miles farther on, at Fenchow. He obtained one of the eighteen motor cars in Shansi province. and started oft for chow.

The American reached his destination only to he informed that the walnut trees, as a matter of fact, were 25 miles farther on. Although the nuts were similar to the English walnut ot California, the Bear State has no such walnut trees to show as the Investigator found deep in Ohlna. For age, the walnut tree is the 'elephant' of the plant world. Chinese trees over 200 years old still bear nuts. How did they get into the Shansi hills and into the valleys northeast of Peking? Did the Chinese walnut trees come from Persia like the English walnut trees, or are they native? That remains a plant mystery.

''In another part of the world tongues are wagging over a new and probably important development in the nut trade. Beside the northern tributaries of the sprawling Amazon grows a palm tree which produces the babassu nut. Probably the babassu gave inspiration for the phrase, 'a hard nut to Its spherical shell, about the size ot a baseball, has been known to withstand six tons' pressure. The prize lor the strong man who can crack a babassu is a group ot nut meats the size and shape ot shelled Brazil nuts. Each nut meat will burn readily and pan be used as a wickless candle.

Babassu meat is 66 per cent oil, which is to be the only nut oil that can be substituted for coconut oil. American inventors have been working busily on the problem of a portable nut cracker, capable of dealing with this tough nut right in its tropical- home and rumor has it that inventors are on the eve of success. If they win, the babassu will probably join the Brazil nut as one of the most important exports of Brazil. "To Americans must come much credit for putting nut growing on a business basis. The walnut orchard, the pecan orchard and the almond orchard are largely American institutions.

Until this American idea came in nut trees were grown somewhat accorldng to the Biblical plan when peace and plenty were achieved by every man dwelling 'under his vine and under his fig tree from Dan to In Italy, in Spain, in China, in Anatolia, the peasant farmer felt surer of a livelihood it he dwelt under his own nut tree. Probably more than 80 per cent of world comes from peasants who own from one to five trees. Orchards are now becoming more common in Sorrento, Italy; Valencia and Alicante, SpMn; Grenoble and Bordeaux, France, under the pressure of higher prices. For ceased to be a specialty crop. It takes highest rank among her ex 5 porta to America.

"Almonds are grown all around the Mediterranean basin, but the United States gets her chief supplies from Italy and Spain. Anatolia, Syria, Greece and North Africa ship to northern Europe. The Orient also looks to the Mediterranean for almonds. Practically the entire Italian supply of shelled almonds goes to India where it is an essential to some of tire farnpus Indian dishes. "Recent exposures of cream dilution with coconut fat in New York City give some hint to the uses of the coconut.

Its role as an edible nut Is small compared to its part in the modern Industrial scheme as maker of oleomargarine, soap and the son! thereof, PETITION IN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt's Petition for and Order of. Notice Thereon. In the Court of the United States for the Fourth Division, crn District of West Virginia. In the Matter of S. R.

Bankrupt, No. 1118 in Bankruptcy. To the Honorable George W. Me- Cltntie, Judge of tfte District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Wt-at Virginia. S.

R. Hambrlck, of Bluefleld, in tha, County of Mercer, nnd State of Wett Virginia, in District, repectfully reprecsnts that on the 22nd day of September, 1925, last past, he was duly adjudged bankrupt under the acts of Congress relating to bankruptcy; that he has duly surrendered all his properly and right of property, and has fully compiled with nil the requirements of said nets nnd of the of the court touching his bankruptcy. Wherefore, ho prnys that he may be decreed by the court to have a full discharge from all debts provable against his estate tinder said bankrupt nets, except such debts ns are excepted by law from such discharge. Dated this 1st day of August, A. O.

1026. S. H. Bankrupt. ORDER OF NOTICE Southern District of West Virginia, ss: On this 1st day ot September, A.

D. 1026, on rending Petition for Discharge of the above-named Bankrupt, it Ordered by the Court, that a hearing be had upon the same on the 1st dav of October, A. D. 1326, before the said court, at Bluefleld, in said district, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon; and that notice thereof be published In The Bluefleld Dally Telegraph, a newspaper prlnicd In said district, and that nil known creditors and other persons In Interest may appear at the said time nnd place and show cause, If any they have, why the prnyer of the said petitioner should not be granted. And It is further ordered by the court, that the clerk shall send, by mail, to nil known copies of said petition nnd this order, addressed to them at their places of residence as stated.

Witness The Honorable George W. JMcCIIntlc, Judge of the said court, and at Bluefleld, in said salad oil and candles. It also is widely used in shaving cream manu- fcture to impart a lather-producing quality. "An all-important nut which is not edible Is the palm The African Gold Coast thousands of tons annually to the United States for soap, candles, coloringfor butter substitutes, heat resistant paints, shoe polish and for lubrication of cutting tools. "The tin plate industry is one of the heaviest buyers of palm nuts.

Palm oil is essential to the making of that necessity of modern civilization, the tin can. Thin sheet iron after being passed into its hath of. district, on the 1st day of September, D. 1926. IRA H.

MOTTESHEARD, Clerk. (SEAL OF THE COURT.) By A. J. HEARN, Deputy Clerk. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue of the authority vested in me by two deeds of trust as follows: A deed of trust bearing date the 10th day of June, 1025, executed by Btssle Arnold and Eugene Arnold, her husband, to the undersigned James S.

Kahla as trustee to secure D. H. Bird, or the holder or holders thoreof, tho payment of certain notes therein described, recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County Court of Mercer County, West Virginia, in Trust Deed Book 83, page and another deed of trust executed by H. Bird and Spain the almond has definitely coat." i A. R.

Bird, -his wife, to James S. molten tin must be brought through Kahle, Trustee, bearing dato on tho palm Oil, floating on the hot metal, 27th day ot February, 1926, to secure when it emerges with its shiny tin 'unto the holder or holders thereof, the CROSSWORD PUZZLE There are 12 "H's" in this nuzzle. Eleven of them are part of missinc; words and are aleardy written in for you. The other is part of the design, 1. 6.

12. 14. 15. 14. 18.

19. 21. 28. 26. 27.

28, 80. 32. 36. 39. 40.

42. 44. 45. 46. 47.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

13. 16. HORIZONTAL Well-being. Floor of a fireplace. Part sung hy lowest female voice.

To imitate. To employ. Falsehood. To To color cloth. Those who partake of food according to a prescribed rule.

To chirp. English title. Soft twilled silk fabric. To profit, Storehouse for grain. Canvas house.

Acted in a furtive manner. To perform. Satiated. To incite hounds. To fly.

To observe. Fowls. Frank. Acquires knowledge. VERTICAL To stop.

Prophet who trained Devoured, Behold! To detest. Hither. Exclamation of surprise. To free. To attempt.

Fleshy end of foot. Footway. Bent tubes used for transferlng water to a lowc level. Paid for another's entertainment. 19.

Apportions as cards. 20. Rescued. 21. Yellow matter from a sore.

22. Silk worm. 24. Hastened. 25.

Kindled. 29. Tardy. Patties made of vegetables and meat. 33.

Opposite of west. 34. Longitudinal timber projecting below the bottom of a boat. 35. Not so much.

37. The call ot a dove, 38. Light brown. 40. Feminine pronoun.

41. Wayside hotel. 43, Second note in scale. 45. Exclaniatlou.

Answer to Our Last Crossword Pnxasle; amtm ami (id uma HE angora Hatrs WASHINGTON TV BBS II By Crane 7 room hou tit Balaifb Terrace, all modarn cowan- "MUippad for light housekeep Phon. Ill (1) WOR house, corner dlMtiw an4 Marcer atreets. Phone ffiyjTg BoMiokVttreat; oottage. Midway. Store.

MMI and flat. IWtaceton, W. Prlnwton. S. J.

anmll apart(lad Wm Nf you our Wiam toWM "Hi Stovall. so if it 's irs cCrvcvseo UP ro ee I't-t ee simN' pRetrv, fM6 (KM OLD VJKN fcCK-'U 0e aeC AW' WON'T KICK fVT Mfc eoxie OUT. -ovec seMDiNC. M6 CANPW MUST TOM IT. fffle Hwe wfc.

Powers AS -0) "Trie POTCrJCN Of wMe N6T vJe payment of the same notes described in tho deed of trust first above set forth, and which said deed of trust here referred to is duly of record in Mercer County Court Clerk's Oftlce in Trust Deed Book 91, page 202, tho said notes now being duo and payable and default having been made In tho payment thereof, the undersigned having been required so to do by the said holder of said notes, will offer for sale at public, auction to tho highest bidder at. the front door of tho Law and Commerce Building in the City of Bluefleld, West Virginia, on Monday, the 30th day of August, 1926, at 2 'clock p. of that day, the following described real estate: FIRST: "'All of that, certain lot or parcel of located in. the City of Bluefleld, Mercer County, West Virginia, and which is more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northern lino of Hillcrest Street, N. ,59" 08' W.

50 feet from the point of intersection of the dividing line between Lotn 13 and 14, with Bald line of said street as shfftvn on the official map of the City of Bluefleld; thence from said beginning point N. 62' W. 149.05. feet to a point; thence N. 60' 08' E.

50 feet to a point; thence S. 52' E. 149.05 more or less, fo a point on the northern lino of Hillcrest' street; thenca- wlth the northern line of Hillcrest street, S. 59" 08' W. 50 feet to the point of BEGINNING; nnd being the same real estate conveyed to Bessie Arnold by D.

H. Bird and wife by deed of June 10th, 1925, and-duly of record In said Clerk's Office, and here referred to. SECOND: "All of the following described lot-of land located in the Citv of Bluefleld, Mercer County, West VlrV ginia: BEGINNING nt a point, on northern lino of Hillcrest Street at tha point of intersection of the dividing line between Lots 13 and 14, with said. street, and being at tho southeastern corner of lot No 14 of said section abutting on said street; thence, from said beginning point north 52' W. 149.05 feet to a point: thence north 8' E.

50 feet to a point, and adjoining a lot conveyed to Bessie Arnold by parties of tho first part by deed bearing date the 10th day of June, 1925; thence with tho line of tho said. Bessla Arnold lot, South 29" 15'. East 149.0S feet, more or less, to a point on said northern line of Hillcrest street; thence with the northern lino of Hillcrest street, 59' 08' W. 50 feet to the polntV of BEGINNING; and being the westefrf one-half of a certain lot conveyed t0 D. H.

Bird by E. H. Bird and' wifa by deed dated the lllh day of February, 1025, and duly of record in said cierk'a office in deed book 170, page 604, and hero referred- to." 1 Terms of sale: Cash in hand on day of sale. JAMES S. KAHLE.

Trustea. Tho above sale Is postponed until Tuesday, the 14th day of September, 1026, at the same place and same hour. This 30th duy of August, 1926. JAMES S. KAHLE, Trustee.

TRUSTEE'S SALE By vlrtuo of tho authority vested In me in a deed of trust made by Anna, J. Saunders and Thomas Saunders, her husband, to W. C. Pollock, Trustee, dated March 3, 1925, and recorded In tho office of tho county clerk of Mercer County, West Virginia, in trust deed book No. 81, page 409, and default having been made in the payment of the debt secured In said trust deed, and lielng requested so to the holder of the notes evidencing said debt, NOTICE is hereby given that on 1 3rd day of September, 1926, at 10:15 o'clock nt the front door ot tha Law and Commerce Building, on Federal street, in.

the dTTy of Bluefleld, West Virginia, I shall offer for sale for cash in hand, tho following described real estate situate in the Bald city of Bluelteld and bounded as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the west lino of Mercer street, W. 31 foct from the intersection of the west Una of Mercer street and a line north 50' W. 47.5 feet from' the southwest corner of lot No. section- No. 95, of the Bluefleld Water Works and Improvement Company Land; thenca South 30' W.

68.75 feet Jo ft point; thenco north 30' W. 32 feet to a point: thenco north 1)0' 68.75 feet to a point in tho west lino of said Mercer streot: thence south 16' 30' E. 83 feet to the point of BEGINNING. Given under my hand this the 7th day of August, 1926. W.

C. POLLOCK, Trustee. The above sale is postponed until Tuesday, September 7, 1928, at the placo and name hour. W. C.

POLLOCK, Trustee, BURGLARS M0VK IN Evausvlllo. and Mrs. V. Harris left their house 'for- tha week-end. and burglars moved in and made tUemselvea home.

They cooked their meals ta the house, found 117 under a rill and lett with two dressei..

Bluefield Daily Telegraph from Bluefield, West Virginia (2024)
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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.